Search results

  1. rembrandt

    Split Testing Software

    Can anyone recommend split testing software that I can use with Tracking202?
  2. rembrandt

    Can someone explain regpath promotion...

    Can someone explain what the hell regpath promotion is.
  3. rembrandt

    Anyone had their revenue stream ripped?

    I've read on a few different places on the web that you can have your income from affilates ripped off by having your code tampered with. Any tips on protecting your online income earnings?
  4. rembrandt

    Need Tips for Setting up Affiliate site

    I've got a CJ & Azoogle account but I haven't really used them yet so I want to start a couple of sites but I haven't done any affiliate sites before so I'm not really sure on how to go about setting them up. Do I put some content together and then put up banners, text links etc If not what...
  5. rembrandt

    New to Azoogle. Now What?

    I've just been approved by Azoogle but I need some tips of how to use the system to get the most out of it. Any pointers? Can't say I really understand how the system works either so any information will be great.
  6. rembrandt


    If your a programmer I'm interested to see if you prefer ASP or PHP for dynamic website development. Feel free to leave comments as to why.
  7. rembrandt

    web master world. Worth joining?

    Just wondering if anyone here is a member of web master world and if the membership is worthwhile.
  8. rembrandt

    Hosting of Your Affiliate Sites

    For those that have multiple affiliate sites, do you have them all on the one hosting account or do you have a few accounts that you spread them across? Also any reasons why you host them this way?
  9. rembrandt

    Is this Crap? Affiliate Marketing Handbook

    What's do you think of this. The site sells an affiliate marketing handbook.
  10. rembrandt

    Adsense for Search

    Has anyone tried Adsense for Search on their sites and if so is it a worthwhile exercise?
  11. rembrandt

    Has WickedFire Helped You Make $$$

    Since becoming a member of Wickedfire, getting involved in the forum posts and giving tips and learning tips, have you improved your affiliate marketing $$$. Firstly, before Wicked Fire I can say that my friends knew more than I did about affiliate marketing and they knew less than sweet F%&K...
  12. rembrandt

    Which forum package do you recommend.

    I'm thinking of setting up a forum on my automotive site and was wondering what people think is the best package out there to use. Don't care if it's free or paid, I'm more interested in that's it's good.
  13. rembrandt

    URL rewriting for ASP/.NET sites

    Ok so I've had a little taste of url rewriting on the apache environment for dynamic sites, what about ASP/.Net sites? Is it very similar to using .htaccess for apache?
  14. rembrandt

    Best Way to Sell an Ebook

    Very soon I'll be involved in selling an ebook. It was recommended to me to use clickbank for the payment process. Has anyone got any other suggestions or experiences?
  15. rembrandt

    Free Prize Inside by Seth Godin

    I'm just reading FREE Prize inside by Seth Godin about building an innovative business idea and how innovation costs less than advertising. Anyone else read this book and tried out these principles. I'm interested to know how others have applied this theory into practice.
  16. rembrandt

    ASP Error

    Anyone tell me how to sort this out? Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126' Include file not found /mysite/html/locations.asp, line 66 The include file '../includes/header.htm' was not found. Obviously can't find the file but what I don't get it that it's there.
  17. rembrandt

    Email Links inside web pages

    What's the best way to stop your email address being spammed when you put the email on a site. I've been using javascript up til now was wondering if there were other options.
  18. rembrandt

    Saying Goodnight

    Well since we are all from different places, planets and time zones, I thought it would be a cool idea to have a good night thread where we can say our last bit of bullshit each day. So here's my bit of shooting the shit. It's almost 1am in Sydney Australia and I'm getting some sleep so see you...
  19. rembrandt

    Adsense, What works better?

    What formats in Googles Adsense work best? 1. Banners 2. Link Units 3. Ad Units
  20. rembrandt

    What to look for when buying a site?

    I'm interested in buying sites that are making some money already. I haven't bought any sites before and was wondering what information should I be looking for to make a good decision and determine a fair price?