Search results

  1. dickarmy

    Competitive Research With Prosper202 and Referral Analytics

    Haven't been here in a while but thought I'd give a quick post on a great way to find out where sites are getting their traffic from. This is not perfect and there are ways to obfuscate referrers but I'm sure a lot of savvy people around here can do something with this. If you aren't familiar...
  2. dickarmy

    One Way To Help Track Media Buys With P202

    First off, I don't use Prosper202 and I don't recommend using it for a Media Buy with any volume but a lot of people are wondering how you might track a media buy with it (this won't track impressions so you'll have to reconcile the info you get with the Publisher's ad server or stats). Here's...
  3. dickarmy

    ComScore Ad Metrix & Media Metrix

    This is probably a long shot but has anyone on here used Ad Metrix or Media Metrix, the media intelligence tools from ComScore? If so, has it been worth the cost? Is it better than TNS (if anyone has used that)? If you don't want to post your experience here, please PM me if you can. Thanks.
  4. dickarmy - brilliant

    Stumbled across the fact that I am an idiot. This site is a "content" site where every article is built around CPA offers. I've seen paid article placement but this is the first site that I've seen that is made up completely of paid placement. Cool approach to promote CPA if you have the...