Search results

  1. halfpc

    Adwords info. This might help someone

    Hey, just thought I'd come in to add this to the pot, pardon me if it's been discussed already, I have been out of this loop for a bit. When I joined Adwords I was asked to enter my company name but I didn't enter anything as I don't have one any more. So my account was a "non-business...
  2. halfpc

    Domains stuff

    How do you know if a domain is worth any money? I see stupid stuff with no type in value going for silly money, so is this just a matter of buying what seems to be good then sticking a silly price to it and waiting till someone buys one? Like, getting $5k for a domain means I can then buy a...
  3. halfpc

    Catching Turkeys, over 150% CTR Arbi

    one moment you see, one moment you don't.
  4. halfpc

    Hit me!

    hey can everyone -rep me???? For some reason my boxes have gone light again?? I had grown proud of being " infamous " now I am a fucking angel again?? Please - rep -rep -rep suitable comments to boot, think road rage! pretend a biker just kicked the side of your shiny cage in. hit me HIT...
  5. halfpc

    Dumb Questions people

    I just thought this was a funny idea, just give it to any imbecile that asks a stupid question Just Fucking Google It
  6. halfpc

    The montly Adwords screwing! WHY????

    This is for yesterday's clicks. I started this campaign by paying 25c per click and making a loss but worked my way down to 5c and 4c (by them going down in price it means the quality was good, right??) then opened the tap to some 6000 clicks a day, it lasted 2 weeks, brought a nice profit and...
  7. halfpc

    R U Bored?

    German Forklift Instruction Video watch till the end!
  8. halfpc

    Stealing Pages.

    Every time I check competitors for my keyword I find people who are stealing my best performing page, I just found a few more who didn't even bother changing the text they just changed their PUB number and off they went, graphics and all. This page produces me about $100 a day now, all my...