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  1. D

    Any Childfree by Choice Here?

    Always find this so sad, that guys who really don't want kids aren't really "allowed" by their circle of womenfolk to even DARE to express that fact. So they get "oopsed" into having a kid they neither want nor can afford, but are pressured to grow to "love." This isn't a "kids are evil"...
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    Turns Out WaFo Members All Do Live in Shacks

    Sorry if this has already been posted, don't have time to check back two weeks here because I have other urgent gay webmaster business to get back to. But have you guys seen this excellent series of exposes about our favorite characters (Clifton Allen Says Jr and Alexa Smith included) from the...
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    Am I the Only One Who's Noticed This?

    The cartoon dude on the Clickbank home page looks like he's in the process of having a really satisfying shit. With his pants on. Pretty much sums up most of the offers on CB, too. If you're happy pumping out shit or serving shit to people, CB is for you. (And I count myself as a happy CB...
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    Google is Sucking My Cock So Nicely Now

    Dan's stupid yet effective ways of getting Google to suck his cock nicely: Took one of my oldest registered domains, registered in 2004, and started updating it again. This site was updated weekly from 2004 to 2005, then I lost interest in it and only updated it to create backlinks to my other...
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    More Fattie Pics Please

    Turbolapp took it upon herself to prevent us from looking at the horrors of relatively decent looking women turning into fat lardasses. I move to reopen said discussion with MOAR PICS. By the way, just because a girl's mom or aunt is a chubbster doesn't mean the girl turns out that way...
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    Which One of You Posted This on Craigslist?

    best of craigslist: Manhood Camping Apparently this guy is super duper eager to get you to join him on his "NOT GAY!" camping trip, complete with required circle jerks for "Expressing Your Manhood! But Not in a Gay Way!" Party on, WarriorForum members, party on.
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    Sarah Palin Has New Boobs

    Looks like she replaced the flatties with some meat. Almost makes me want to turn Republican. Almost. Sarah Palin - Yahoo! News Photos
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    Women F*ing Clueless About Business

    I have a wifey who has her own business. We mesh well because we're both those binge and play workaholic types who work crazy hours in our respective businesses, then take nice breaks to go to Nantucket or wherever for two week vacations. We have a very nice life together. Wifey has been...
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    Pussy related keyword question - for real

    So I haven't posted in a while. Been in stealth marketing mode. Since I'm getting better at affiliate marketing friends are asking me to help them with their websites. So I'm dabbling with a little SEO type consulting. I've been trying to help a friend with a site of hers and I got stumped...
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    No Free Speech on the Internet, Dude

    So this was funny. Over the past couple of months I'd made three posts to my blog about Bev Clement and how she charges for business mentoring, yet a while back her friend Kim Standerline was begging for money for Bev so she could pay her rent in Hong Kong. This was at the Warriorforum. I'd been...
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    Fat People Before and After Pics

    You'd think advertisers would get their shit together when they're promoting fat loss products. I've seen at least three ads this week where the before and after photos were clearly different women. Like, there's a white woman who's fat in the before photo and a black woman who's skinny in the...
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    Can we pay Britney Spears to go away?

    :music07:Seriously, can we? I think if we pulled together our pennies maybe we could send this mentally ill no-talent back to Louisiana, where she comes from. I have an arts background and make a decent part-time income as a professional jazz musician and composer. It literally makes my...
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    For the Crazy Cat People - Cat Friendly House Design

    In an earlier life I seriously considered becoming an architect, so house design always fascinates me. With three cats in the house I often wonder if there is any way to optimize a house so the humans and the felines can have their needs met without one (human) sacrificing comfort (i.e. room on...