Search results

  1. supportomatic hosed

    fyi: appears to be hosed atm. If you have anything that relies on them for tracking, you may want to pause.
  2. supportomatic

    Neverblue Trip

    Anyone else here going on that trip to Vancouver Island sponsored by Neverblue? Wondering who else got a spot...
  3. supportomatic

    WTB: referral report

    I don't have a pro account, so I'd like to buy a full referral report for a specific site. PM me if interested.
  4. supportomatic

    Denver Meetup

    A Denver meetup is long overdue, so let's get something on teh books. A good time was had by most last time around (pub staff excluded), and the evening was complete with beer, barman, and a bum doing one-arm pushups for cash (not barman). All in all, a fine gathering of gay webmasters. How...
  5. supportomatic

    Giving away iStockPhoto credits

    I've got 12 iStockPhoto credits expiring in a few days. Rather than buy some random pics, I figured I'll just let WF'ers put them to good use. PM me if interested.
  6. supportomatic

    Server uptime monitoring

    I’ve been using a free uptime monitoring service to notify me of server problems/outages but I ran into a situation yesterday where one of my servers was down for 2 hours before I noticed there was a problem. I didn’t get a single notification. Checked spam folders, nothing. I guess you get what...
  7. supportomatic

    Offline / Online business idea

    Here’s an idea for an offline -> online business I’ve been meaning to start, but just haven’t had the time to get it off the ground so I thought I’d pass it along. Someone here ought to be able to put it to use… Anyway, the idea is to put together a coupon site with offers geared toward...
  8. supportomatic

    Meetup202 at ASW

    thought I'd pass this along to anyone interested... info from the organizers: Details - Palms Casino Resort, 2nd floor - Jan 18th 6:00-9pm - Wes Mahler will talk candidly about: - Tracking202/Bloosky deal - The...
  9. supportomatic

    Asheville / North Carolina meetup

    I'm going to be out near Asheville NC next week helping out a non-profit. Any of yous live in that area? Hit me up if you want to grab a beer or something.
  10. supportomatic

    Yahoo Search Marketing class action settlement

    Looks like Yahoo is finally being forced (via a class action settlement) to allow advertisers to opt out of running ads on their 'search partner' (read: worthless bullshit) sites. 500 blocked domains just ain't enough to cover it. I received an e-mail notification of the settlement notice...
  11. supportomatic

    Facebook Advertising 101 - $50 ad credit

    I received a facebook ads newsletter last week that I just got around to reading. In it, they mention an upcoming webinar they're putting on: I clicked through and noticed on the details/reg page, they mention: Thought it was worth sharing for those looking for some free FB traffic (assuming you...
  12. supportomatic

    Denver Meetup

    I feel like a total homo for posting this, but would anyone be interested in a Denver meetup? I'm in Co Springs, but Denver's probably the better central location for anyone in Colorado. Post if you'd be interested. Ok, //end gayness
  13. supportomatic

    User retargeting - how to fire a pixel prior to redirect?

    I'm implement user/ad retargeting on a campaign that is currently direct linking to an offer landing page. The challenge is, I can't place the re-targeting pixel directly on the merchant's landing page, so I need to figure out a way to set up a redirect on one of my own servers that will fire...
  14. supportomatic

    Lead broker / lead selling script

    Does anyone know of a script/software that would work for a lead broker site? Basically I just need something where site visitors can submit their information/requests and the info can then be referred to a list of business subscribers for a fee, either per-lead or on a monthly subscription...
  15. supportomatic

    Rep/contact at CPX Interactive?

    Anyone have a contact at CPX? I can't for the life of me get those guys to respond to my inquiries about advertising on their network, even though I used to be a publisher with them for ages...
  16. supportomatic

    Car wash morons scratched my brand new car. What would you do?

    Ok, so for my birthday my wife decided to go and get my car washed and detailed. It's new, still has the temp plates on it. She brings it back home and we look it over... not only did they do a shitty job washing it, there's 4 or 5 scratches on the right rear passenger door. The car wash is the...
  17. supportomatic

    free css templates

    Thought I'd post this in case someone else finds it useful... If you design your own landing pages, you might want to check out They've got some decent pre-made templates you can use to throw together quick LPs and tweak for whatever purpose. I've used their stuff in a...
  18. supportomatic

    Pitchmen... Anyone watching it?

    Just got around to watching a bunch of Pitchmen shows I had DVR'd. Anyone else watching that show on Discovery? Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan are a couple of douches, but they do know how to sell shit. Found out their avg production costs for a 2 min infomercial spot are only $20k... that's a...
  19. supportomatic

    Dammit, google!

    Ok, so that $1500/day was nice while it lasted... So here's the deal... This "low quality" landing page is on a 3 year old PR4 site that couldn't be *more* targeted to this particular niche. This site is chock full of useful content with a good rep with users and gets around 10k unique...