Search results

  1. zimok

    Good Vibes

    Just wanted to share a success, started with a small seed 5 years ago. I had nothing but a cold PM and a sales pitch on skype to go with. I was looking for a partner/investor. Found a post by ncmedia written on this forum which resonated with me(he talked about the good and the bad of online...
  2. zimok

    Would you sign this legal document? (I'm the 'seller' of a domain)

    Hello Guys, I'm in talks to sell one of my domains from a portfolio of .co domains. I live in east coast Canada and the buyer is a USA/Japanese citizen. My main concern is that this is binding me to California state laws, which for me would be really impossible for me to defend against were...
  3. zimok

    How 50 Startups Got Their Start...

    A good watch for those of you who are brave entrepreneurs that are still thriving to solve problems and add value. 50 Groundbreaking Startup Ideas - Video Compilation - YouTube Questions to keep in mind while watching, Why did that idea work? How much value is generated vs. the effort that...
  4. zimok

    Bear Spray

    I've been carrying around bear spray for several years and never had to use it until last night. Me and a friend were walking back to my car after a hike, it was pitch black and we had our flash lights on. Suddenly a dog that's built like a tank comes barelling towards us, he's almost as tall as...
  5. zimok

    Image of a planet outside our solar system(an exoplanet)

    Mind boggling. You're looking at a representation of a planet(and it's star) that's 63 light years away. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT? Here's a quote from one of the scientists, This makes me wonder if we've been looked at from some distant alien colony, and for a time, entered the...
  6. zimok

    What's Your Electric Blanket?

    This is a movie from 1981, it's only gotten more relevant with age. Watch from 0:00 to 4:33. My Dinner with Andre 9/14 - YouTube tl;dw: Some of the main points to kick off the post.. What comforts of life are you using to mend an issue without applying yourself to the actual underlying...
  7. zimok

    The Act of Killing (Documentary)

    Anyone else watch this? I almost exclusively watch documentaries, and somehow this one escaped me until yesterday. I recommend not even watching the trailer and jumping right in with zero expectations/assumptions. The Act Of Killing - Official Trailer - YouTube OK, maybe a little...
  8. zimok

    If you play PC games AT ALL you need to get your ass in here Enjoy!
  9. zimok

    Which plugin is this? (Wordpress wallpaper plugin)

    Wallpaper: Wall « Wallpapers « AmbientLight I've spent the last half hour trying to find out which plugin this guy is using for automatic image handling(resizing, auto detection, watermarking... all on the fly). I've checked source, two different wordpress plugin analyzers, reverse image...
  10. zimok

    This Is What Happens When You Don't Do Your Chin-ups

    Kid Falls Off Of Chair Lift 45+ Feet - YouTube
  11. zimok

    TUNE IN NOW LIVE : Chris Dorner Police Scanner + Air Feed

    Air Video | CBSNews Live Feed Police scanner Post any other links here. This is happening NOW - a live gun fight and who knows what's going to happen. Pro Tip: Turn off the air video audio and leave the feed on full...
  12. zimok

    The Pirate Bay : AFK (Documentary - 1h22)

    TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard - YouTube Released today, Feb08/2013.
  13. zimok

    Funny GIF Thread

  14. zimok

    Good to Great - Hedgehog Concept

    This is a thread about hedgehogs in tutus, No. It's about revisiting the core of your business to ensure a propensity for long term success and sustainability. How? I'm currently listening to an audiobook named 'Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't', which...
  15. zimok

    Wall Street Warriors

    This crowd could probably enjoy these, Wall Street Warriors - [01x01] - YouTube all episodes playlist -> (replace XX) hxxp://
  16. zimok

    Fake Celebrity - Social Experiment in NYC

    Fake Celebrity Pranks New York City - YouTube How easily we are fooled and hyped up, hilarious.
  17. zimok

    Candid Egyptians

    Egyptian Actors on Candid Camera Show Turn Violent When Told Channel Is Israeli - YouTube Egyptian candid camera show where they make believe they are an Israeli channel, everyone is in on it except the person being interviewed.
  18. zimok

    Google Lists Practically All Pirate/Warez Domains

    On one hand we have Richard O’Dwyer, former owner of TVShack which is currently being extradited from the UK to the US, facing terrible fines and up to 10 years of prison for LINKING content. On the other hand we have Google who just released a MEGA index of ALL pirate domains. Basically a...
  19. zimok

    Canadians Can Now Travel From Igloo to Igloo In Style!

    Track N Go - YouTube
  20. zimok

    Is This A Wordpress Hack?

    Was going over statcounter and noticed all this junk, anyone know what's going on? Is someone just brute forcing to find open/hidden directories?