Search results

  1. RedMatrix

    PayPal sides with Scammer?

    I was at the Warrior Forum the other day, and I purchased an offer some guy made about he makes a grand a month "the lazy way." A little more background When I got to the download page, I realized it was a video that was recorded 2 years ago! All of the sites he talked about were already...
  2. RedMatrix

    How many would use this service?

    I see a lot of threads from board to board, where other members are either asking for reliable partners for their start ups, or looking for new staff to hire. I think this a void that needs to be filled, so I am experimenting with a new board, and it's called AdminSeek.Net. Now you can come...
  3. RedMatrix

    Bytes for Bites

    Help me raise money for dental surgery/work. Donations are now being accepted. You can have a one-third web-banner link to your site from my page if you donate! At least take the time to check it out. Thanks, Dave.
  4. RedMatrix

    the DON'Ts of online business... post yours

    Don't be rude to newbies : you were one once.
  5. RedMatrix

    Collaboration Request

    I am interested in sharing a new advertising idea, and I wish to collaborate before spending the dough. Will this be a flash in the pan, like milliondollar website, 1000wordsite... etc? I will need a multitude of participating sites anyway, so why not share the idea before writing a proposal...
  6. RedMatrix

    Your highest click payout

    You know it, you check your ad reports. You notice a .12cent click through ratio, then it changes. But, what has been the highest YOU have noticed?
  7. RedMatrix


    I feel there may be a lot of negotiations going on round these parts. I say add an iTrader system!
  8. RedMatrix

    REP utation System!

    yes, please add a rep system. (and set it to not allow negative rep. if you don't have anygod rep to give, then just don't give it)
  9. RedMatrix


    What kind of server operating system do you like to use?
  10. RedMatrix

    xx Biz Ops

    I was wondering if anyone here knew of a great business opportunity for someone with about a hundred dollars to risk. Yes, I am new to online business, even though I have been around for years. Lee Dodd has inspired me to try to achieve something. Thanks for reading. ~Dave