Search results

  1. N

    Suggestions For CPC or CPM Networks?

    What's a good CPC or CPM network these days? AdSense isn't cutting it on some of my sites that have banner inventory. Anyone actually doing higher eCPMs with AdBrite, Interclick, Clicksor or Tribal Fusion?
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    Brand Management Services For Social Networking/Forums?

    Does anyone know of any companies that offer services to essentially manage/monitor your brand's social networking accounts (Facebook pages, Twitter accounts) and your brands exposure on things like forums and blogs (so you know what people are saying about you and your competitors on...
  3. N

    Domain/Forum For Sale -

    I've had this site - - for a while now and was basically to busy to tend to it so it got overloaded with spam. It was something I setup for fun because I like Entourage. With the new season of Entourage coming up I think it could be a valuable community/forum site again if...
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    Any Web 2.0 Designers Looking For Mockup Work?

    Need a web 2.0 PSD design mockup for an iPhone app site. Looking for something simple, with some nice, sleek graphics, and a web 2.0ish design. If your interested PM me for more details with your rates.
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    Best Banner Design Services?

    Anyone have any suggestions for banner design services? Looking for a really professional full service company with lots of flash and image banner design experience for some big projects. Thanks.
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    Any Advertiser Insight On The Google Affiliate Network

    Any advertisers here have anything to say about the Google Affiliate Network? (Formerly DoubleClick's affiliate network) It seems like a good platform and a good network but it doesn't seem to be very popular since no one here ever seems to mention it :)
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    Google Offers On Facebook Retractively Disapproved?

    Did anyone elses active ads for Google monies just get disapproved by Facebook?
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    Anyone Use For Outsourcing Development?

    Just wondering if anyone has used for any development outsourcing of significant projects before, and if so, what your experience was? I have an Adobe Air project I'm looking to have done and am probably going to turn to
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    Facebook Ad Review Stupidity

    I've had a couple groups of campaigns get rejected and the reason was that the destination URL was first I thought it was a little strange and wrote it off. But it just happened again today, at 5am EST, and I thought it was a little strange. So I checked the location of the...
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    Has anyone tried for anything yet? Do they have a platform for advertisers like Facebook and Social Ads or what because they don't have a self sign up yet.
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    Any Recommendations For Creatives?

    I need some really nice, web 2.0 styled, creatives made up for this service. Anyone have any recommendations for designers?
  12. N

    The Most You've Spent On 1 Campaign In A Day On Facebook?

    It seems like whenever I get decent campaigns going on Facebook they're very hard to scale. Especially if it's international. I've only had 1 campaign that was able to hit it's daily budget of $500, which was my limit at the time. Have people really been able to hit $2500 or $5000 a day...
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    Venting At Facebook's Disapprovals

    Ok, I need to vent about Facebook and how annoying it is that I can't get any perfectly legitimate dating ads approved at Facebook anymore apparently. I've submitted about 20 different ad variations now, changing everything, titles, copy, text and even the landing page to make sure the interns...
  14. N

    COPEAC WF Party?

    What's up with the COPEAC/WF party tonight? I emailed my AM the other day about the COPEAC/WF party tonight but haven't heard anything back since he's out of the office. So I'm hoping someone at COPEAC will see this and maybe be able to put me on the list still and give me the details. Went to...
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    Digg's Ads Today For The Wynn Made Me LOL

    Anyone else notice the Wynn ads on Digg today with the dates in December that have all passed already? It's funny that whoever is spending the big money to have those on there is using creatives with old dates. And people wonder why Digg can't make money off their ads.....
  16. N

    Free WF ASW Exhibit Hall Passes?

    Are there going to be free exhibit hall passes for WF members again? Or did I miss the boat by being late for a free silver pass. I've always relied on the free WF passes to get me in to Affiliate Summits so far
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    MySpace Ad Image Question

    Does MySpace allow animated GIFs? They don't say anything about animation. Thanks.
  18. N

    What's A Decent Affiliate Network Software Package?

    I need a basic affiliate network software package that doesn't suck. Is there anything basic thats user friendly for affiliates and for the people who have to maintain the software? I'm using Affiliate software,PHP affiliate network tracking software for one site now and it sucks. Any...
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    Promoting New Years Eve Parties

    Has anyone ever promoted parties online? I've seen a lot of ads on Facebook for local Miami parties lately. I told a friend I'd help promote his party online and I've got a landing page and another flyer created so far. Basically I was gonna hit all the social networking sites and do some...
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    Shark "Finning"

    So I've been watching CNN's Planet in Peril tonight and I have to say....shark "finning" is fucked up. Fuck shark fin soup and fuck China for making it such a popular dish.