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  1. K

    For the Designers - Learn to draw DVD

    Have just completed my second DVD on learning how to draw and it is officially on sale at my website The Drawing Studio - Learn to draw, so if you are designer looking to gain some extra skills then have look :) Cheers Rob
  2. K

    Lavaplace Dating Affiliate Program..dodgy?

    I need to know if this company pays out, has anyone had any experience with them? lavaplace . com I have reached the $100 pay out limit but have also thrown some money at it as well, so dont want to get burned.. Thanks for your time :) Rob
  3. K

    Friendfinder Check

    Howdy, I'm looking foward to my first FF check and was curious to know if people have received them without issues? ( I need the cash to pay for the advertising!) Epassport Im thinking about epassport instead of the check option so I can withdraw form an ATM, has anyone had any issues with...
  4. K

    Adengage PPC to

    Did a trial run the other day using a porn site thru adengage direct to Well, my first attempt sucked hairy balls... Porn site XXX to Cost for 1 Day: $5 Uniques sent : 668 Free Sign ups gernerated:20 Cost per click:$0.01 Revenue:$0 I feel that although I sucked haory balls...
  5. K

    Statistical Software

    Ok doki, now I have been experimenting with affiliate and arbi, I have one big issue and that is keeping track of my results. Today I have started an excel sheet just to get my head around stuff and it's quite interesting seeing what worked last month and what didnt. It's quite crude looking and...