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  1. two_days_late

    Profit reporting on Plenty of Fish

    Hey guys, I have just released the newest version of my Driftnet Software for Plenty of Fish. The best new feature is that it allows you to generate a Profit report for any campaigns that you track conversions with on POF. It also now allows you to sort your creatives by CTR/Clicks etc so you...
  2. two_days_late

    POF Campaign Manager (Driftnet)

    Hey guys, I've just finished my campaign manager Firefox Add-on for the POF advertising platform. If you want to read about what it does or grab a copy you can check it out here: Driftnet I'm really interested to hear what people like or don't like about it and if it goes well I'll be looking...
  3. two_days_late

    Advertising on LinkedIn

    Hey guys, have been reading the forum for a while so thought I might as well start posting. Wondering if anyone here's tried advertising on LinkedIn? The traffic's expensive compared to other places but could be quite targeted for the right offers. The ad manager is very very basic and only...