Search results

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    Do you play Modern Warfare 2?

    Man, I've been addicted to this game. My girlfriend fucking hates it. LOL. I was looking for some glitches and shit and I found this youtube video for a 1 kill Tactical Nuke glitch. Every time I do it, these 13 year old little shits cry in the mic. Here's the video of how to do it - YouTube...
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    FMYLife Have you seen it?

    I haven't been in the Shoot the Shit section in a while so I'm sorry if this has been posted before. Have you guys been to Some of these are hilarious.
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    How NOT to make money with Ebay haha

    I think you would like this. It's probably that idiot who writes those dumb posts in WickedFire with broken english. Check this out EBAY Pictures 100% No Dick Roll
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    Private Ad Sales question

    Does anyone sell private ads along with their affiliate offers? I am wondering because I am looking for a way to serve customers ads by CPM and not just by charging a flat fee. If you know of any good ad servers let me know. Thanks.
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    New Server - Please comment

    Hey everyone - it's been a long time since I've been on Wickedfire. I am about to purchase a new Dedicated Fully Managed Server from The Planet. Tell me what you think of this setup: Xeon 3060 - SATA Intel Xeon 3060 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor CentOS Enterprise Linux - 5.x - 32 bit 5 IPs 100...
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    Conversion question for the Geniuses

    Hey everyone I have questions hopefully you can answer. I am developing a site that will generate revenue from CPA offers and Adsense, and most of the revenue will be from recurring traffic each month. In reading tons of threads it seems that the formula everyone is using for CTR is based off...
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    Newb Tools for SEO

    Hey I just read on Digital Point some good tools for SEO. Here is what I took from the post: RankPulse - Your Google Ranking Fluctuating? RankPulse tracks the 5 month Ranking history for 1000 selected Keywords in Google. They also provide a RankPulse Index for the same 1000 Keywords. This...
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    Hosting Question

    I am currently creating a site that will need a dedicated server. My site will be a sports social network with some pretty cool features, not just an affiliate landing page. I am looking at Rackspace right now because everyone has great reviews, but their price is extremely high $400...
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    Sportsbook Affiliate Programs

    Hey I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with sportsbook affiliate programs. I am developing a new site geared towards sports betting and any info is appreciated.
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    My friends and I made a YouTube video..What do you think?

    So we took the annotation idea to a whole new level. We created a story line and the viewer gets to choose the path. The first one we created is a battle between a Ninja and a Robot. YouTube - **FIRST** Interactive Battle Ninja vs Robot Let me know what you think.