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    Phone Stuff When Living Off-shore?

    When you're doing media buys or whatever and you're offshore, how do you make and receive phone calls without getting ass raped? When I'm outside the US, AT&T charges like $.79/min and then $20/MB for txt messages and internet.
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    Heatmaps for Conversions?

    I use Clicktale and CrazyEgg right now, which is cool for analyzing what visitors do. But is there something so that you can see what leads do, or where leads clicked on your landing page?
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    Company Sued by NY AG for Fake Customer Reviews
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    Affiliate Math 102

    This post is inspired by SEO_Mike's affiliate math 101 post a while back. This happened to me last week. Thought I could generalize it, and turn it into an interesting 2-part problem. So you're running an offer on X Network, and it's doing good, steady profit. An affiliate manager from Y...
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    Adwords Help?

    I'm not sure if my adwords account got fried. Launched new campaign today, was live for 10 hours, got 0 impressions. Thought the IP may have gotten slapped. Relaunched with new url, new ip, new campaign, changed some things in the lp to make it unique. That was 3 hours ago, 0 impressions on old...
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    obama targeting offshore tax shelters

    May 5 - "The Obama administration on Monday announced a proposal aimed at tracking down individuals who evade taxes by stashing assets in secret accounts in Switzerland and other countries." Article -
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    Statistics for Aff Marketing?

    Took Probability and Statistics a long ass time ago, and don't remember much at all. Now I'm trying to analyze a bunch of data from split tests and do some multi-variate testing. Any suggestions on short guidelines or resources for stats refreshers?
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    Geithner Housing Plan Explained

    This will make AIG Bailout look like chump change. YouTube - Geithner Plan II
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    A Newbie's Guide to MySpace

    This guide is meant to help newbies to get to profits faster, with less capital and time. Most of it's basic common sense, but I still get these questions all the time from new affiliates. What offers are working on MySpace? Well, I could tell you what's working right now at 9:10am PST on...
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    A Newbie Tip to Surviving WF

    This is to all you noobs that actually read through the forum guidelines, can search through threads, but still fall for this shit. You can stop that incessant gay porn known as getting dickrolled by: 1. disabling JavaScript - if you are unfortunate, open up another browser session,disable...
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    PPC coupons?

    I'm looking for working MSN adCenter, Google Adwords, Yahoo free cash promo codes/coupons. Please post or PM me valid links, thanks!
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    Hedge Fund Manager says "Goodbye and Fuck You"

    Funny rant from a hedge fund manager that made 870% over the past year. Hedge Fund Manager: Goodbye and F---- You - News Blog - Daily Brief -
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    How much do you need to make to be a Super Affiliate?

    Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
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    Just started blog. Tips?

    I am new to affiliate marketing. I picked a product off ClickBank, and am bum marketing. Please critique. My blog's been up for about 2 weeks now. Learn Beginner Mandarin Chinese with Rocket Chinese Language Online I am writing articles furiously and submitting to EZA for traffic. Any...