Search results

  1. warling

    [WTB] 1 Article spun 50 times.

    Hi there, I'm not savvy enough to understand how to spin articles myself. I need 1 good quality article written and then spun 50 times. All 50 articles should be able to pass copyscape. Paying well for this task. Pm me if you can do. Warling.
  2. warling

    [WTB] Writer Required for 10,000 word project

    Hey, A very high quality writer is required to write around 10,000 words (could be up to 25,000 at a later date) for a website of mine. Must be able to start ASAP and be comfortable writing about health/medicine topics. PM me.
  3. warling


    Just run a short little test to a blog of mine on StumbleAds and got a decent amount of traffic in 1 hour, 300 visits and from analytics the users looked at an average of 2.2 pages per visit and spent 2mins:40 secs on the site. Not bad for $50. Cant find any other threads about it here on WF...
  4. warling

    Need a designer

    Hi, Need a designer to build a site from start to finish to very high quality. Have a great idea of what needs to be done along with specification. Need somebody talented to execute my ideas. Pm me.
  5. warling

    Looking for a....

    affiliate network that is easy on pharmacy and pharmacy affiliates? The online medical industry is huge and only getting bigger. Why is it so many networks refuse to go near a pharmacy site, even with legitimate credentials? Any affiliate networks easy on pharmacies?