Search results

  1. bizzykehl

    Anyone have an email list of Wordpress users?

    Looking to promote a paid WP plugin of mine. Anyone have a solid list that's interested in revshare and/or PPC. Let me know, thanks.
  2. bizzykehl

    Need a jQuery/Javascript developer ASAP for small project

    I'm having some issues with errors in IE8 using jquery/datatables. Trying to debug on my own hasn't worked out, so I'm looking for someone with the know-how to debug this particular section of the site. Looking for someone to start on this today. You will be compensated, Shoot me a PM!
  3. bizzykehl

    Need a HIGH-IMPACT sales page for FLIPPA listing

    So we're ready to sell one of our high-profile websites on flippa. We're in need of someone to write up a highly convincing, high-pressure sales page for the listing. Not going to discuss details in public, so shoot me a pm with some of your previous work and we'll see if you're a good fit...
  4. bizzykehl

    no more weeklies on epic...

    Anyone want to clarify this further? Is this due to FTC? Lawsuits? Weak harvest?
  5. bizzykehl

    Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1993

    YouTube - sweatbox ballys arbroath 93
  6. bizzykehl

    Looking for someone to go on a little scraping mission for me..

    I'm looking for someone to go out and scrape the contact information (name, phone, e-mail) from all the top twitter apps & websites (hootsuite, twitpic, so on and so forth). I know there are literally hundreds out there and my scrapebox skills aren't up to snuff in that department. Let me know...
  7. bizzykehl

    Anyone have a DP account I could "borrow"?

    Trying to sell one of my websites on flippa, and I'm trying to get as many eyes to the auction as possible. Already have it up on WaFo, but I'd also like to get the listing up on DP... ...and as you suspected, I don't have a DP account and they require something like 25 posts minimum to post in...
  8. bizzykehl

    Creepy gif.

  9. bizzykehl

    Did they ever find Amber Lamps?

    Seriously, it's like one of those unresolved issues that keeps nagging at me every once and awhile. Did they ever identify this girl? I did a quick googling and saw that a few people are claiming her name is Allison Budzinksi, Allison Budzinski | Facebook but there has been neither confirmation...
  10. bizzykehl

    Donald Trump gets into the affiliate marketing space?

    Trump Network
  11. bizzykehl vs

    are these the same people? I see they're both in the rackspace clouds. However kgbdeals looks un-legit. Is it just me?
  12. bizzykehl

    Yo mgrunin

    Whats up, bro?
  13. bizzykehl

    Inventions- anyone ever successfuly dealt with one of those invention firms?

    Long story short, I've got a few 'inventions' I've drawn up over the last few years or so, and I'm looking to get them potentially made into a real product with distribution. I know there are a ton of those "bring us your invention" houses but I'm fairly sure the majority are just scams. Anyone...
  14. bizzykehl

    Which one of you hit this lady's inbox?

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. @ 1:45
  15. bizzykehl

    New SEO tool is going to revolutionize the industry

    SEOPressor Watch the video, this thing is NUTS. I already bought four copies.
  16. bizzykehl

    Did you ever play Descent? Check out Miner Wars, EPIC MMO

    Watch the video on this page: Miner Wars They're doing something fairly cool as far as marketing is concerned. In order to get in on the closed beta, you have to send 250 unique clicks through your aff link (mine is above)... Figured I might as well send some real people their way in addition...
  17. bizzykehl

    Retargeting based on IP list instead of cookies

    Anyone know of any networks with a decent reach that allow retargeting based on your own IP list? I'm having the damndest time trying to find one that doesn't require you to start fresh by placing their cookies.. I'd like to be able to dump in a list of my own IPs. Feel free to pm me if you...
  18. bizzykehl

    Dank Cash

    anyone else lol?
  19. bizzykehl

    Hahaha double rainbow dude IRL

    Double Rainbow Guy in Everyday Life - CollegeHumor video <- watch second lmao had me rolling here's the original in reference (in case you havent seen it): YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. <- watch first
  20. bizzykehl

    i only made it to like 1:30, how long can you last

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.