Search results

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    Liberty Ad Network

    Looking for business recommendations. I have the code to an ad network I developed by myself at Liberty Ad Network. Anyone can register. I have it setup on some of my apps displaying ads for different apps I own. I am trying to get my first publisher or advertiser other than myself and also I...
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    Build iOS and Android apps like Tinder for $9

    I just blogged this. Let me know what you think.
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    Native ads

    Who's using native ads? I found nativeadbuzz and I've tried out a few campaigns. I have one running now and making a few hundred each day through convert2media. I also tried setting up a viral news site, but gave up on that as promoting cpa offers was better for me.
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    Shutterstock for gay content

    I'm used to buying images from shutterstock, istockphoto and fotolia but now I'm trying to promote a gay dating offer. I saw some ads I want to make my own version of but I need explicit pictures and gifs of naked men that I can buy and use in my ads legally. Do you have any recommendations...
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    Viewing LeadImpact ads

    Does anyone know how to view LeadImpact ads for free? I setup a PC running Windows 7 and went to the 2 sites in their FAQ but I couldn't find anything to download. Then I contacted them and they said to download the software from I downloaded the software and did a backup...
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    Have you developed any iOS or Android apps?

    I've been developing iOS and Android apps for awhile. Here's the link to some iOS apps I've helped make: Here's the link to some Android apps I've helped make: I also helped...
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    Google's augmented reality game: Ingress

    Have you heard about Google's new mobile game Ingress? Google Launches Ingress, a Worldwide Mobile Alternate Reality Game - Liz Gannes - Mobile - AllThingsD From the video: "this is not psychosis or some cognitive break but an actual takeover of the mind"
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    perl script to post ads to facebook

    I updated my facebook ad submitter perl program. The previous thread was 119 days old, so I couldn't reply to it. Also check this out- Iran Plans to Execute Woman in Stoning Case , and call your senator/donate to Amnesty International if you use this program and don't believe in capital...
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    post ads to facebook from perl

    Here's some code you can use to post advertisements to Facebook ads from perl. If you use this code and want to donate, you can make a donation to a charity. I read about some pretty fucked up things happening today - Iranian Woman Sentenced to Death by Stoning - and Amnesty International...
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    If you use moneygram, I have some questions

    Hey, I've been paying someone who doesn't live in the US via moneygram to develop some software and I have 2 questions. -Do I need to file any new tax forms for this? -I was paying via credit card and then noticed there was some cash payment fee bullshit. Do you think I can get that reversed...
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    Article Writer for microstock / stock photos / illustrations

    I'm looking for someone to write blog and wiki articles for a microstock/stockphoto site I am starting. Articles would include how to make money submitting photos, how to get articles approved, camera tips, photography tips, illustrations tips, etc, or any topics from It...
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    Tracking202 Pro not cloaking keywords?

    Hi, I started a test using tracking202 pro with a landing page and I noticed that my keywords were being passed over in the referer to the network. If anyone else uses tracking202 pro did you realize this, and do you know how to set it up so the keywords are hidden?
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    Need subscription to read Copeac threads

    When I click on one of the thread links off to the right, it says I need to subscribe in order to view the page. If I'm logged out I can view the threads. There's no way I'm subscribing to Wickedfire to read C.opeac sponsored threads, and this seems really dumb since it's open to non...
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    Acai Supreme Service Unavailable?

    I've been promoting Acai Supreme through Ads.4dough, and I noticed today when I went to the page it is saying "Service Unavailable" (no affiliate link in this one) When I switch to my neighbors network I can view the page...
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    Getting approved for Colotox at CX Digital

    Recently I've been advertising Colotox at CX Digital. Yesterday they switched my links to this page about needing to get the merchant's approval before running it. I applied today and was rejected by the merchant. Does anyone have any tips with dealing with CX Digital or running Colotox? I...
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    Myspace Ads dayparting script

    One of my myspace campaigns is only profitable during the day so I need to pause and activate the ads every day which is a drag. I created this ruby mechanize script that you can setup as a cronjob that will pause and unpause your campaigns. To run it: -install ruby -install rubygems -install...
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    Custom offer pages for iPhone?

    I have admob ads on some of my iPhone apps and they are doing a promotion where they give you a 25% bonus if you advertise something on their network with your publisher earnings. So I'm trying to think of an affiliate offer to advertise on their network where I could make the landing page in...
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    affiliate offer for got a crush? calculate their exact name now!

    Hey, I've got a site which I'm running adsense on. I noticed these site-targeted ads on adsense about calculating your secret crushs name if you enter in your your name and your cell phone (then they sign you up for this 5.99/month service). Address is here Who has a Crush on You? Anyone...
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    Check your MillNic stats over IM

    Lately I've been obsessed with checking my MillNic stats, so I thought I'd combine that with another obsession of mine..checking away messages. I wrote a jabber bot that grabs your MillNic stats for the day and sets it as the away message. It uses ruby, mechanize, and xmpp4r-simple. Here it...
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    Myspace TOS worries?

    For all those playing the myspace game, I'm just wondering how concerned you are about violating Myspace's TOS. advertising to, or solicitation of, any Member to buy or sell any products or services through the MySpace Services. You may not transmit any chain letters or junk email to other...