Search results

  1. BeerNuts

    Product Hunt Author Invites?

    Anyone have any power here? I have something I want to post but can't and I figured I would ask around here before asking like a million other random people if they would do the post for me. I have had no luck reaching out to editors and other authors since they probably get flooded with that...
  2. BeerNuts

    Magic Cancer Curing Berry

    Start your engines boys. Scientists discover cancer-fighting berry on tree that only grows in Far North Queensland - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  3. BeerNuts

    Terrorism comes to Australia

    A week ago Australia had its biggest terrorism raid in its history. Across two cities and hundreds of police officers, helicopters, swat, etc several homes were raid and 15 people were arrested. The said the terrorists were influenced by ISIS and were planning to kidnap and behead random people...
  4. BeerNuts

    Local Scraper - One Bot 7 Scrapers - Local Business Scraper

    Continued from the previous post Do you need local business data? Need a scraper that is easy to use, works fast, and effectively? Local Scraper was created over 4 years ago and has...
  5. BeerNuts

    Local Scraper - One Bot 7 Scrapers - Local Business Scraper

    Do you need local business data? Need a scraper that is easy to use, works fast, and effectively? Local Scraper was created over 4 years ago and has been maintained and updated constantly during this time. We are now on version three and just added two more new scrapers so a BST seemed in...
  6. BeerNuts

    New Mobile App Released - Any Cat Lovers?

    After a few months work I just released my latest mobile project for iOS devices. The app is called Tag A Cat and it is a free social image sharing app like Instagram but exclusively for pictures of cats. Tag A Cat and The idea came to me after my last year of...
  7. BeerNuts

    Nokai Lumia 520 / 521 WTF

    A few months back I bought a Nokia Lumia 520 (Nokia Lumia 520) the really low end windows phone because I thought I might take a stab at using it as a development device. Its a Windows Phone for super peasants. Fucking smart phone with 4G and its only $56 on Amazon. You would think it would be...
  8. BeerNuts

    Batshit Customer Venting

    So I get back from lunch today to find I have 10 emails from one customer. Seems he bought my product while I was out, couldn't figure out how to install it and began an angry rampage on me. 1:16pm He emails me "Your installer sucks, guessing this is a dated tool" 1:36pm He emails me asking for...
  9. BeerNuts

    Been Traveling for a Year Now. AMA

    Not sure if any of you mofos care but I have been meaning to post something for awhile. Last year when Google decided to make the SEO D'Day I lost 90% of my income, my long term girl friend and my apartment. Everything had gone to shit so I decided to say fuck it and left to go travel the...
  10. BeerNuts

    Microsoft Masters of Marketing

    Have you guys been following this xbox One crap? Man what a ride they took the media for, fucking brilliant marketing. First they come out and say the most impossible crap ever. Horrible DRM, no used games, always on internet. They might as well have said it also eats kittens to fuel it. They...
  11. BeerNuts

    Private Torrent Trackers (eBooks)

    Since demonoid was killed I have been totally screwed trying to find torrents for ebooks. Most everything else I get from newsgroups but demonoid always had every book I was looking for. I usually get programing/development, fiction, and business books and put them on my kindle. So is anyone a...
  12. BeerNuts

    Fucking Clickbank.

    These people will approve the most retarded eBooks you can think of, but when I apply to sell a legitimate software that I have sold for 2 years they deny me. They claim that they 'used' to accept this kind of software but due to a high return rate they stopped accepting all new programs of the...
  13. BeerNuts

    Indian Infomercials

    You baller's want to pick back up the good days of acai berries? How about weight loss tea? Well I have the perfect thing for you. Infomercials in India. I am currently on vacation here and I have seen the worst most fake infomercials I have ever seen. Its always the same few also there is a...
  14. BeerNuts

    Stock Jumps 3000% in a Week

    You stock guys missed the boat on this one going up. Medbox (MDBX) makes vending machines for Weed. Its starting to crash but there is still time to make money on its downfall. Marijuana-dispenser stock gets too high - MarketWatch
  15. BeerNuts

    Which One of You is This?

    Saw this guy on reddit, says he works online now but is homeless. Hes got to be someone from BST. carrotplanter comments on I'm 21 and I'm going to be homeless on Monday. What supplies will I need?
  16. BeerNuts

    Is this racist? BBC Olympic Video

    So some guy posted this video on reddit about how different the BBC coverage was from NBCs. Most of the people who watched it saw nothing wrong and were talking about how great the BBC is. I found the video to be one of the most racist things I have ever seen on TV. Who's side are you on? BBC...
  17. BeerNuts

    33% of US Population on Welfare?

    The weekly standard (for whats its worth) has an article out claiming that over 100 million people in the US are now on some sort of welfare based on census data. Considering that the US population is about 310 million that is almost 1/3rd of the population. Here is the article Over 100 Million...
  18. BeerNuts

    Demonoid Shut Down.

    Torrent Freak: "Demonoid Busted As A Gift To The United States Government" Demonoid Busted As A Gift To The United States Government | TorrentFreak Holy crap... what a setup.
  19. BeerNuts

    Nexus 7 UnBoxing

    Montage: Unboxing the Nexus 7 is fun! - YouTube Anyone actually get theirs here yet?
  20. BeerNuts

    Causeway Cannibal Not On Bath Salts

    Awwww shit! The bath salts where the only thing that made sense next to start of zombie apocalypse and they were just ruled out. Only drug found in the guys system was weed. Medical Examiner: Causeway Cannibal Not High On Bath Salts « CBS Miami So zombie apocalypse is back on!