Search results

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    Issues with leadimpact

    Anybody else running into some strange issues this week with them? Im talking about: Going well over set budget for campaigns Stopping your impressions until you up your budget Taking even longer to approve campaigns Impressions on URL's that weren't getting any love before
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    CSS problem with IE 8 w/ facebook fan page

    The title says it all, I am not the best designer by any means so sorry if this is newb of me. I have been searching google for a fix for the last hour so I'd figured WF could help me better. I recently built out a few sample facebook fan pages just to get some experience with that. I used a...
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    Local Seo: Outsourcing and Taxes Question

    I have recently formed an LLC to perform local seo, web dev, ppc mgmt and more for businesses in my area. The majority of my work is outsourced to US and non US based workers/companies. I spend a good amount on these services but it is worth it in terms of saving time, efficiency you know the...
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    WTB: Sales video(webcast + voiceover) for website

    Hey I am looking for a new sales video for my site. Just a brief video roughly 2-4 minutes to go over the basic features of my site. You can check out the current video at my sig link. As you can see, I am not good at this. So hopefully you can do better. Let me know what you can do and put a...
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    Starting a business to quit my job - A thread inspired by lemons884

    Hello all, A little background on me -Last year a graduated from college, held a job at a small start up company (which I got canned from), now I currently sell insurance and I am pretty damn good at it. The problem: I hate insurance and I want to do be doing better things with my life. It...
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    Best SSL Cert

    Hey currently using startcom free ssl cert for a project of mine... Its free so thats pretty sweet but its giving me all sorts of annoying shit in IE and older versions of firefox. Any suggestions on what would be the best for the least amount of money? I've heard digicert is pretty solid w/...
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    Google Wave Invites

    I just received 8 google wave invites. Who wants one? Pm email address or reply here
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    Looking for a good facebook app developer

    Hey, im sick of the Elance crowd and im looking to find a good experienced developer to help me develop a few game applications on facebook similar to Restaurant City and Farmville I've got the ideas, im just looking for someone who can make these ideas come to life. If interested please PM me...
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    Anyone interested in this domain Originally bought it to create a localized directory but that never panned out. 110,000 global google searches per month
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    Need Graphic Designers Help!

    Hello, I need a graphic made for an upcoming website of mine. I made a rough draft of it for the person to use as a reference. Pretty simple, if I used mine 1) it would look like shit 2) It would probably be copyright infringement so getting a talented designer who could rework my draft into...
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    Newbie Mistake: Wordpress 500 internal server error, please help.

    Hey guys, i fucked up. I made the newbie mistake of changing my wp settings urls (Blog and Home). I've been searching for an answer, so far, i've been able to view my blog again but cannot access it through the admin. Is there anyway you guys can steer me in the right direction?? Thank you...
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    Help; exporting appointments from notes application to outlook calendar

    Anyone have any experience with exporting an event or appointment from a lotus notes database to an outlook calendar? I've looked into vcalendar and icalendar as potential ways to add to the application, and im coming here for a second opinion.
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    Interesting Case Study - Pretty much based on how sick and stupid america has become

    After watching CNN this morning it was said that the crazy woman , Nadya Suleman, who has 8 kids has just released a website asking for donations. Which is sick to begin with because there is no reason why she should of had this many kids in the first place. This now means she has 14 kids. Her...
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    WTB: Some scraper work

    Yo, im looking for someone to do my dirty work for me, i have 14 dollars left in my pay pal and dont have the time to learn and load up a yp scraper. PM if interested and we will discuss details
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    Keyword Analysis

    Ive been using Google adwords tool and wordtracker free keywords for most of my websites and have done decent but i was wondering what other methods of keyword analysis do u use before u make your sites? ive come upon a decent idea and i want to make the best of it
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    i need pay per lead explained

    so ive done regular affiliate marketing... i keep finding out new ways to make alittle money, and ive been trying to figure out shit on pay per lead. In my understanding it pretty much goes like this make a sweet landing page with some sort of form on it do ppc and get people to go to the page...
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    WTB: custom wordpress logo

    I need a custom wordpress logo for my website, i dont really have great graphic skills so i figure someone out there is definently better than me. PM me if interested the most i can offer is $10 through paypal.
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    Adult Affiliate Marketing

    Im currently in the process of creating an adult spanish niche website, anyone have any success with any adult affiliate programs? I know AFF has a spanish program so does, but im thinking of other things i could use to make some cash... if any of you have had success let me know
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    Major Mudd- did anyone ever play it?

    anyone on this forum used to play major mudd on bbs's in the 90's... holy shit i was addicted to that game
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    how can i create a lot of blogs?

    WF, Ive seen posts on this and ive been doing some thinking of my next get rich quick scheme so i dont have to find a job. I am considering trying to figure out how to create a large number of blogs with similar content and rss feeds. It will probly be an adult niche and my goal would be to...