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  1. L

    Passing Google Analytics Cookie Data to Form

    Hey Guys, Epikone had a great post on their blog about passing Google Analytics Cookie data into a form. Analytics Talk Blog Archive UPDATED: Integrating Google Analytics with a CRM While this isn't applicable to most AM work, it's definitely something I find useful. Basically, once...
  2. L

    Adwords $50 Credits

    I've got some $50 Adwords credits lying around. I'm selling each one for $10 OBO. Will give you coupon code immediately upon payment.
  3. L

    Looking for a designer to help aggregator site more professional

    I have a site up and running that aggregates "stuff"... I believe strongly in building sustainable business models, so although I'm getting thousands of pages of information, it's all legal, and it adds value in the marketplace. I dont' plan on posting my niche or specific strategies in here...