Search results

  1. progex

    SimilarWeb users, read this!

    If you have a grandfathered SimilarWeb Pro account with access to "Popular Pages", please hit me up. I will split the subscription cost with you. Note: They now require $3k/mo for access to the Popular Pages data. Grandfathered accounts are way cheaper.
  2. progex

    Anyone promoting Mindspark offers?

    Recently, I've noticed a significant decrease in conversion rates from 10%+ to 1-2%. I suspect them of shaving... Anyone experiencing similar results?
  3. progex

    Ringtone Partner: Legit?

    Anyone get paid by these guys? Wanted to do a rep check because they look like they have a load of international offers.
  4. progex lead offers... Any networks have it?

    Are there still any networks that have the offers on lead payout? I checked azoogle, ads4dough and neverblue, and neither of them have it anymore. Link me and I'll sign up under you.