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    MW2 Free this weekend on Steam

    For anyone who hasn't had a chance to play it yet: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Steam
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    Fuck the Earth Day 2010

    I will be burying foam peanuts in my yard to celebrate this year. Fuck the Earth Day Video
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    Boob Info.

    I love these things: Best one so far:
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    Interesting Online Dating Statistics

    Just found this, thought I'd share, some interesting info on there.
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    Senate Republicans refuse to work after 2pm

    Retaliation for health care passing is now invoking an old senate rule that requires consent from both sides for proceeding. Republicans are refusing to give consent. Not like they are getting anything done that needs to be done anyways, but if our politicians are going to take half-days...
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    More States Propose Internet Sales Taxes

    More states propose Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law - CNET News Ugh, here it comes
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    Baby Laughter Sells Shit

    Just saw this clip, thought I would share: Video shows how sounds affect peoples buying habits: Why a Baby's Laugh Will Make You Buy - Video - Most Powerful sound in the word by a large margin: Baby Laughter
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    Landing Page Optimization

    Hey, I came across this on stumbleupon and think it has some good statistical information regarding web site usability that should be able to help optimize a landing page. Going to start working on some of this stuff myself. 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines Smashing Magazine