Search results

  1. J-Tag

    Post your tattoos

    Hey, I've been a little into tattoo art for the last few years but just since about summer last year started considering it for myself and getting really into tattoos... so, if you've got them, or concepts / ones you're thinking of getting, post 'em! Here are a couple concepts I've worked up...
  2. J-Tag

    Your best performing AdSense sites

    Post links to your AdSense sites that make the most; get the best clicks vs impressions.
  3. J-Tag

    How can I spice up my header

    For the site Too Lazy To Blog, I'm finding that my header's a little bland. How can I spice it up?:bowdown:
  4. J-Tag

    Are there webmastering secrets you don't tell people?

    Do you have anything that you just keep to yourself that helps you with websites, or are you an open book on forums?
  5. J-Tag

    Do you use EFT for Google AdSense payments?

    Just curious how many people are using this feature--as well as why or why not.
  6. J-Tag

    Emails of your spammers...

    Let's post the emails of people spamming us here... I'll start off:
  7. J-Tag

    Getting Electronics to Canada from

    Hey, I want to use my Amazon gift certificate to buy or from...
  8. J-Tag

    CPM below the fold

    Are there any CPM networks that allow ads below the fold?
  9. J-Tag

    Single non-www result in SE's.

    A lot of people a while back were talking about how when you go to the www and non-www version of their site, you get a different PR. Here's a quick fix to that, which uses .htaccess to permanent redirect the page to the non-www version, so you don't need to worry about that pesky www version...
  10. J-Tag

    Your best performing AdSense format

    My best performing AdSense format is a Medium Rectangle floated left in my content column. My worst is a skyscraper to the right of my content. What about all of you? What works, what doesn't?
  11. J-Tag

    Problems with current big-name blogging software

    I see a few threads asking what blogging software people use, and think is the best. But there's no thread dedicated to problems that people find annoying with them... I'll start: Recently I've tried making a few blogger blogs. I don't mind the interface (though it could use some...
  12. J-Tag

    Free Image Hosting

    Currently I don't know about much more than ImageShack and Photobucket, so let's start up a list: - No Registration required (I'm not sure if you're allowed to hotlink from here or not)
  13. J-Tag

    Article: Image Replacement With CSS

    Article: Image Replacement With CSS by James Henderson I'll be posting some articles here, and linking to them from my blog, as I find it easier than maintaining two separate copies. With accessibility and search engines comes the want of text in our source code, rather than in images...
  14. J-Tag

    Degree of CSS usage on your sites

    To what length do you use CSS on your websites? For me, I just use CSS and divs. I fake my tables, and consider it heresy to use a bgcolor attribute on your body tag, or a *shudders* font tag.
  15. J-Tag

    Profitable Low-Maintenance Sites

    Any ideas on sites that are profitable and low-maintenance? Thanks.
  16. J-Tag

    Stupidest online business mistakes

    What's the stupidest mistake you've seen an online business do? I made this thread because I really don't know of many. To that effect, the stupidest one I know of is SitePoint 'firing' Chris Beasley (Aspen)