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  1. E

    CPX Interactive Email?

    Trying to sign up as an advertiser on CPX Interactive. Been trying to submit a RFP on cpxinteractive but it will just reload the page after i click submit. Cant even contact them using the form on the website since it puts that an error occurred. Does anyone have an email from someone in there...
  2. E

    Green Card for the US

    Hey guys, I'm 19 (soon to turn 20) and I am looking to move to the U.S. I have been into affiliate marketing for 1 year now and making a decent income with it. What I wanted to know is if it is possible to do something to show I work as an affiliate marketer to get a green card or if anyone...
  3. E

    Adwords impressions slowed down after slap

    Hey guys, Feel pretty lame asking this, but well... can't fix it for myself. One of my campaigns on the content network got slapped (QS showed 1/10 and ads wheren't getting impressions), I had to change the domain name and reupload (got from 7/10 to 10/10 QS), still running on the content...
  4. E

    Problem with adwords campaign

    Hey guys, I created a campaign 5 days ago on the content network. It was getting steady traffic and today it stopped getting impressions. My other campaigns in the same account are still working correctly. I tried creating a new account and a new domain and uploaded the campaign to that new...
  5. E

    2 Blog Posts for Facebook Newbies

    Found this 2 blog posts, thought that the people starting with Facebook might find it informative: Facebook Scams at More Facebook Scams at Of course he talks about them as scams, but we can use it as an idea of what works best on FB and images that work.
  6. E

    Why there are no international biz opps?

    Was wondering this.. why all biz opps are only for us, canada and uk. Wouldn't it be the best for them to make it international (and when I mean international I mean worldwide) and let users download the content (no shipping charges)?. Thanks, Esteban
  7. E

    Any international acai?

    Is there any network offering acai internationally? All I have found is one offer copeac has that charges U$50 to get 1 bottle of acai... I am looking for something that works like the one for the US, CA, UK, etc. but that works internationally. Thanks!
  8. E

    How to get Ringtones and Prohibited Stuff on FB

    Well, I found out this and thought I should share. I tried it for a day and I got 120% ROI on ringtones and on the other 2 days I didn't got any conversion. Maybe you can get this to get you a constant ROI. Well here is how I did this: Other Language AD + Cloaking = Ringtones + Prohibited...