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    Japan Tsunami Conspiracy

    Discuss The Atlantean Conspiracy: Japan Tsunami Caused by HAARP? Woman Predicted 03/11 Earthquake on 03/08! (video) | The Vigilant Citizen Japan Conspiracy 2011, Earthquake & Tsunami March 14 « Ahrcanum oh yeah inb4 lols
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    Code for popup window on exit

    I am not a master at coding/programming so help me out here. Looking for something pretty much like what Movie Tickets & Theater Showtimes - Fandango does (except we are looking to collect more user info). Thanks
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    EBay To Buy Ecommerce Company GSI For About $2B

    EBay To Buy Ecommerce Company GSI For About $2B - PepperJam..
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    Charlie Sheen Fired

    'Two and a Half Men' studio fires Charlie Sheen - Entertainment - Television - discuss
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    "My legal fees are paid... By the .com biz"

    YouTube - Ex JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater - I'm a Rapper Now B*tches See: Mile High Text Club |
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    Half a Mill ... no big deal

    I heard ryan eagle lent him the money.
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    Bye Limewire

    LimeWire (finally) dies under judge's gavel ? The Register Logged in to Limewire to download a few new beats and got this: Nearly shat myself at first glance. Guess it's off to iTunes.
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    Best .gif ever online.

    That is all.
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    mcnabb to the skins

    FUCKIN LOL I for one, liked mcnabb, but this trade is absurd. The Associated Press: Eagles send McNabb to Redskins
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    MediaBreakaway FTL (Urgent: "Affilaite" & Performance "Markting" Purge)

    MediaBreakaway FTL (Urgent: "Affilaite" & Performance "Markting" Purge) I don't know how i got on this retards email list, but the lulz were worth it. Email (note i did not misspell the title): Link: URGENT: Affiliate & Performance MarketingPurge - Articles - - Interactive...
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    NASA Suceeds in finding water

    This thread: = Win for NASA. The Associated Press: Splash! NASA moon crash struck lots of water Interesting, where do they take it from here?
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    Facebook spammer ordered to pay $711 million

    Judge orders Facebook spammer to pay site $711 million - Oct. 30, 2009 Is this anyone here? Haha.
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    Hulu is going to charge your ass

    Hulu to Begin Charging? While i do feel they were going to do this all along, talk about misleading people. Depending on the price, i may consider staying. I would guess they would put it around $5-9.99/month
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    IzeaFest 2009

    Anyone down here or coming down? I know its not really geared towards affiliate marketing, however, i got that 50% discount so couldn't turn it down. Not to mention, hot speakers!!
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    I want a netbook

    Saw this old thread: Anyone have any new recommendations? I am doing a lot of traveling now and hate dragging around the MBP. HP has some slick ones but i'd rather hear what you guys have to say first.
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    Wordpress affiliate-linked Plugin | Coupon Code inside

    Affiliate Linked | Exclusive WordPress Affiliate Link Plugin So this has been in the works for awhile now, but i feel comfortable releasing it now. It's still v1.5 so I know there are a few things coming in the near future for in (like a built in link cloaker). Feel free to toss me any updates...
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    Quick Shopping Cart Question

    Does anyone know of a shopping cart that i can fully integrate into a CSS layout, has e-delivery of items, and accepts paypal as an option? Didn't have any luck finding one that integrates (i saw one website with it but don't want to out the LP). Here are your boobs:
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    WEC Fans... Mike Brown Vs. Urijah Faber 2

    Who wins tonight?
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    Popup window for a specific traffic source

    Okay, so here it goes- I am going to run a campaign on facebook to a "landing page". However, this landing page gets a ton of organic traffic. Is it possible to have a popup occur ONLY when the traffic is coming from facebook? If so, what is the code? Thanks
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    College and AM

    I was talking with one of my AMs the other day about people who affiliate market and go to college (or haven't gone to college). I know there were recent threads about this, but i just want to get a better number. Should be interesting. Oh and... Nice