Search results

  1. H

    Scraping sites

    Hey guys. What would be the best way to scrape product sites for data? I'm not a coder at all, so perhaps something like uBot would be ideal for me? I'm talking about product sites where you can pull the product name, image and other data from. So take Google Shopping, you can scrape the...
  2. H

    My CPA plan with search traffic

    Hey guys, Bit of a lurker here! Check the forum as much as I can but not a heavy poster. I'll cut to the chase. I'm really a n00b with CPA. I've made a reasonable amount of bank with IM, but that's been solely with physical products (cost per sale I guess). I do this by mass site...
  3. H

    Referrers and CJ

    Does anybody have a script or know of a way to direct link to CJ products from data feeds but forge the refferer. (So the referrer is not the serps). Very interested in this, will also pay $$$ if somebody thinks they can come up with something.