Search results

  1. andrew wee flash games and latest kongai release

    If you haven't been to, you're missing out on a lot of great flash games. some of them are full fledged RPGs and RTSs. If you're a smart marketer, you can figure out how to port some of the ideas into a facebook app and monetize via CPAs or Adsense. earlier this month, they also...
  2. andrew wee

    Post ASW meet up in CA

    a bunch of WFers and other internet guys met up after ASW last year in CA. i think we met up in santa monica (or somewhere close to LA where I'm staying). if you're interested to come for it, drop me a PM and I'll sort through it during ASW. how about the afternoon of Feb 28th at some coffee...
  3. andrew wee

    affiliate summit east 1 and affiliate summit east 2: and dinner on Jon

    Just saw that besides ASE in boston, it looks like there's an aff summit in NYC later this year too.... (ASE 1 and ASE 2????) i remember jon mentioned that if anyone's in NYC, he'd bring you to some...
  4. andrew wee

    ASW WF meet up

    Since SEO_Mike isn't around to do the honors of arranging a WF meet-up, I'll suggest that at 2pm, we meet somewhere at the meet market. Since WF doesnt have a table this time, why don't we meet at/around the XY7 table at the meet market at 2pm instead. So look out for the crowd. and if you...
  5. andrew wee

    affiliate summit west survival tips

    If you're headed to ASW, here're a few tips: 1) Vegas Throat: on account of being in the desert, the air is really dry and most coming from out-of-state might lose their voice after a day or so, especially if you're shouting at each other to be heard in the clubs. Lozenges are great for this...
  6. andrew wee

    headed to ASW? Make a quick $4,995

    if you're headed to ASW, you might not be aware that there's a RC car race (held BYOC - "bring your own car" style) with a booth worth $4,995 at ASE08 in boston later this year (i think july or so), going to the winner. At the moment, it looks like only 4 competitors and your $100 participation...
  7. andrew wee

    Which Linux distro to pick for dedicated server?

    I got a choice of: OS: CentOS Enterprise Linux, Version 4 OS: Centos Enterprise Linux, Version 5 OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5 OS: FreeBSD 6.2 The pre-sales rep says the version 4's comes with MySQL 4 and the ver 5's come with MySQL 5. Anyone...
  8. andrew wee

    $1m/week facebook app - an insider's look...

    I republished Chickenhole's vids on monetizing your facebook app and you can see it's a pretty straightforward process to monetize an app to $1m/week. In fact I've seen the facebook app he refers to on a number of your facebook profiles... it's the 'pink ribbon' breast cancer facebook app in...
  9. andrew wee

    What's your HTML editor or CMS of choice?

    I'm looking to develop and launch a couple of content sites in the next couple of months that are Google QS compliant and seo spider friendly. I've been using XSitePro which isn't the prettiest, but it's pretty easy to use, and wordpress blogs. I'm looking at possibly using either: 1) another...
  10. andrew wee

    ASW 2008 Parties thread

    I'm headed into vegas on Sat and headed for the affiliate dinner that evening. if anyone else is interested, check out 100 RSVPs, so decide soon if you're interested. - As always, there's a bunch of parties before and during the event, but be sure to catch the WF one. It...
  11. andrew wee

    dedicated server advice

    I'm in the process of getting a dedicated server from and I am planning to get a single processor-single core box to start off with. the specs are: celeron 2.0+ processor 512mb ram 80gb hard disk 750 gb bandwidth - I have an option to double either the ram, hard disk or bandwidth...
  12. andrew wee

    "the next internet millionaire is a pile of shit"

    Ruck had a great post over at his blog: Vote For The Win, The Next Internet Millionaire Is A Pile Of Crap
  13. andrew wee

    Facebooks kid brother:

    Doesn't look like many marketers are on there yet... I am only getting spammed with dating offers once a day... it's alexa 2,197 and profile is lotsa kiddies i think.... ...did someone just say "freebie offers"?
  14. andrew wee

    interesting mashup script

    If you haven't yet, check out the youtube-ebay-amazon mashup script over at if you can somewhat code, you can stick in some CPA code and do some damage...
  15. andrew wee

    Namecheap Renewal code?

    Anyone have a renewal code for namecheap? 'bottlerocket' only works for new domains and tranfers. unfortunately i haven't hit 50 domains there to request a custom code yet. Tks.
  16. andrew wee

    sammy 'it's just like a mini-mall' stephens

    The orig: YouTube - Flea Market Montgomery - Long Version Sammy on Ellen YouTube - sammy stephens Download Sammy's vid and remix your own
  17. andrew wee

    Super Affiliate PPC and campaign guide

    Amit Mehta ( is presenting at ASE and Shawn's posted his presentation. Although the experienced aff mkters may not get that much out of it, the newer AMers might pick up a tip or two, esp in boosting your CS and PPC strategies...
  18. andrew wee

    spice girls reunion tour -> ringtones

    Ringtone CPA affiliates might want to bank on the spice girls reuniting to do a tour, i think both US and UK offers would converts. Good luck!
  19. andrew wee

    iPhone CPA offers

    FYI, the iPhone officially launched at 6pm, June 29th. Copeac just launched a slew of iPhone offers. If you've got a niche apple/smart phone site going, or a related site, you might want to get the offers up ASAP. the zip/email submits are going for $1.x - $2.x and one is even going for close...
  20. andrew wee

    affiliate thing - google pay per action beta and iphone affiliates

    Check out Shawn's fresh episode of Affiliate Thing: Inside the Google Pay Per Action Beta You might get some ideas to try in your campaigns.