Search results

  1. jdprgm

    Incorporating with a Foreign Partner?

    I have been doing some research online but was wondering if anyone had any experience with setting up an LLC with a foreign partner? Trying to set up a business with a college friend in Boston. I don't want to incorporate in Massachusetts though since it's very expensive and people have advised...
  2. jdprgm

    Why is Selling Domains so Difficult?

    Maybe I have just failed to find the right site. Does anyone know of a very simple site that had enough exposure but isn't overloaded with thousands and thousands of domains for sale and doesn't charge any sort of membership fee? I have this domain and it will expire shortly but I...
  3. jdprgm

    Face Mash from The Social Network

    I am sure most of you have seen it but for those who haven't facemash was the site that led zuckerburg to creating facebook. It was a site for rating the attractiveness of girls at Harvard that only existed for a week gaining a lot of traffic before he shut it down due to pressure from Harvard...
  4. jdprgm

    Making Money On Facebook

    I would like to start a discussion on profiting from facebook. I don't mean by using the ad campaigns you can buy from them. I mean in ways similar to how everyone was making cash off of myspace in the past years. Facebook seems largely untapped. I have been creating an account with a large...
  5. jdprgm

    Others Having Trouble With CPA Empire?

    Just wanted to see if others were having trouble with CPA Empire not paying for the leads. I know for a fact that a lot of people are doing my offers but im not getting payed for them. I am talking a high percentage to like 70 or 80 percent of the people who click the offer and complete the...
  6. jdprgm

    Landing Page Question

    Alright so just a quick question im looking to get answered. I am a little confused by landing pages and am trying to figure it out. So I have a cpa offer that I want to advertise and a website right with a landing page that I will send traffic to via PPC. On this page am I supposed to somehow...
  7. jdprgm

    Quality Affordable Web Design

    Alright now im pissed. I just spent like 20 minutes typing up this thread and this forum had to log me out and make me lose everything I just typed. :mad: Anyways i am looking for some more work so I figured I would post on this forum. I am offering a test drive of my web design services for...
  8. jdprgm

    Impossible To Lose Money?

    Alright I was just thinking about something and wondered if I am not seeing something and am just being retarded. Ok so if you sign up for a CPA site as an advertiser and say you will pay say $10 every time someone buys your product for $25 how could you possibly lose money? The only possible...
  9. jdprgm

    CPA Site Case Study

    Alright so I recently started a new site with what I believe is a unique idea and thought it might be of some interest to some of you here. I figured I would write a continuing case study on it for the benefit of the community as well as my own benefit for I am looking for feedback as well as...