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  1. Danc1122

    Pandora Lulz

    YTCracker - Still DG just got played on Eminem Radio. YTCracker FTW.
  2. Danc1122

    Post your workspace, Version 4.0

    Alright well I moved into a new apartment and felt like pulling a HeavyT and showing off the new workspace but the older threads are too old to reply... so fuck it, version 4.0 starts now. lol Other side of the room:
  3. Danc1122

    So you want to be a boss?

    Then start acting like one. Zynga's CEO said it best... Zynga CEO: "I don't fucking want innovation, you're not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers." : gaming All jokes aside, he does make a pretty good point. lol
  4. Danc1122

    Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?

    This is really pissing me off. I want to work, but deep down inside I just feel too comfortable and complacent with where I'm at. It's like a constant battle with myself. I think I'm either burnt out or need a new challenge. Right now, my monthly expenses are so low that I could live like...
  5. Danc1122

    Anyone Try Out This Office Chair?

    Just wondering if anyone has tried this. It like floats/moves around when you sit in it. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean. I can't find any reviews because the chair doesn't even have a damn name... but it looks like it might work well for back pain. Back Pain Office Chairs
  6. Danc1122

    Want to LOL? Watch this...

    Okay so I'm pissing away time on Youtube and I come across this hilarity... YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Pretty old I think, but funny if you've never seen it.
  7. Danc1122

    Thank God It's Monday...

    Okay, it's not Monday but whatever. lol YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Not going to put anymore on here because with my luck I'm sure you can't even watch it on here... but if I was you I'd subscribe to his channel and watch all his...
  8. Danc1122

    WTF? Google Content Network Question...

    I've had a campaign running in a niche market for 6-8 months on adwords and everything was going great, then all of sudden I loose about 80% of impressions. I didn't get banned or anything... just lost most of my traffic. This is on content network... and my average position is still good and...
  9. Danc1122

    Rate My Article!

    Hey guys I just wrote a lens on squidoo and wanted to see if you guys would rate it and give me a boost : ) The Top 6 Best Affiliate Marketing Programs on Squidoo If you see something or have some advise to make it better let me know.. Thanks!