Search results

  1. photoads

    Scammed for $400 - 4 other too suggestions?

    Ok so I am going to get shit for taking a service from another forum and using paypal ... but here goes. I have sites and sole source of income is Adsense (premium publisher) all's been great for years, then last year I take the plunge to work for myself. Since September revenues been dropping...
  2. photoads

    Interesting article about Google/Awords & Adsense

    It's a bit long winded but pretty informative Google's riches rely on ads, algorithms, and worldwide confusion | The Register
  3. photoads

    Threatened with sued if I leave post on my forum

    I have property site with a forum. Someone posted a warning about a scam company they were ripping UK people off with property deals. They went out of business and set up as another just as one was liquidated. The forum post lists the directors names & the new company. They want me to remove 3...
  4. photoads

    Nynthamanic ... whats one of them?

    Researching this site I discover this hot English crumpet ... I think she's a go'er , probably keeps her teeth in a cup @ night too ... Lists her interests are Eating & Sleeping, jeez I wish I was back in the UK top totty time! Sorry no picture of boob's just reference ... wanna meet the...
  5. photoads

    iPhone - will it blend

    Will It Blend? | Presented By Blendtec
  6. photoads

    Nutter skies down escalator in London

    Take a look @ this YouTube - Guys Skis Down Tube Escalator
  7. photoads

    craigsnumber.crap spamming my forum - advice

    Guys need some advice - I am seriously pissed with these tossers. Its a UK car forum and these plebs are spamming daily 20 posts a time. Their service does not work in the UK! Also spammed another forum I own too .... I have tried to locate a phone number to vent my anger but they seem to be...
  8. photoads

    Ebay spend how much on adsense!

    Ok not sure how accurate the data is on this site but take a look Daily spend = $678.21k - $882.97k
  9. photoads

    Where to meet rich women!

    Not that I am in the market, nor have I tried .... however I remember years ago I read that Alcoholics Anoymous was a great place to pick em up. They have rich husbands, they are at home all day and eventually hit the bottle. Then seek help and join the AA .... have fun boys :eek: Should I...
  10. photoads

    Tools to edit mov files for youtube

    Before I go about learning the hardway maybe some of you guys can help. I have a few movie files I purchased and want to edit them down to use on youtube. They are huge files 98mb & 60mb, so I need to reduce them and also put my website url into them. Any advice greatfully accepted
  11. photoads

    Who' screwed up & is cashing in their site?

    Theres an auction on SP someone selling their arbi site thats making 250-300 a day. Take a look PPC Arbitrage Websites - 250-350 A Day PROFIT
  12. photoads

    Could this site show anymore adsense ads?

    Wow this site sure breaches Adsense TOS Snow Blower for Sale; Buy Snow Blower Online
  13. photoads

    Offshore banking???

    Anyone use offshore services? I have an offshore company in Gibraltar & one in the UK. I have a great patient accountant who knows all the tricks, if anyone is interested then let me know I will put you in touch with him. I still have not got everything fully organised but thats because I am...
  14. photoads

    free ebooks files etc

    Ok the wife wanted a slow cooker, gets it but it only has 1 recipie. So I check out ebay and find 470 crock pot recipies for $0.77. I pay and it sends me to a link on - free file sharing and storage. I then start searching and you can find tons of stuff, some good some crap...
  15. photoads

    Holy crap visitors/revenue halved today

    Jesus christ just checked my adsense stats & revenue and its down 50% on the normal. Anyone else experienced the same thing? I have no clue as to why this would be .... Is there something going on that is preventing people from surfing the web today? If there is I wish it would stop its...
  16. photoads

    Wrapping presents - yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Come on who agrees its the biggest balls ache in the world (at this time of year)? Some people can create a masterpiece with the wrapping, whilst others can make it look like a blind dog wrapped it up. We're wasting trees just for that element of supprise, when the carrier bag it came in...
  17. photoads

    What car do you drive - whats your worse one too?

    I've just bought a Subaru Tribeca and love it! Replaced a PT cruiser which was bought in haste for a car when I arrived in Canada. My worst car was my first one bought in Germany an "Audi 50" the engine was great but everything else needed a nack to use. Windows were held up with duct tape...
  18. photoads

    Signing up for 7search give me your aff link

    Ok I am just about to sign up for 7search so if the first person to reply below PMs me their link I will sign up through them.
  19. photoads

    Nigerian 419 Scammers

    Ok we have all received the emails saying I have $28,000,000 USD (twenty eight million USD) and I need your help to get it out of the country. Now there is a sport out there called scambaiting, where the aim is to waste as much of the scammers time as possible. See Welcome to the 419 Eater...
  20. photoads

    Funny phone wind up

    Laughed my ass off with this radio station windup that went tits up .... The Nth Eye Dont use the mouth «