Search results

  1. F

    Dynamic Keyword Insertion on Landing Page

    My quality score sucks. I have good meta tags, lots of content on the site, as well as a few other pages on my site. In Google Adwords I have dynamic keywords set up using {Keyword:myniche}. I want to extend this to my landing page, by setting up my url as something like...
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    Automated Content Blog w/ Affiliate Links

    Looking to make a few more automated blogs. I've setup Wordpress and FeedWordpress on a blog. I've chosen some rss feeds to syndicate. My question is, how can I add/replace links in the post with my affiliate links? It would be ideal if I could add a link certain keywords. If I can't do this I...
  3. F

    Myspace Profile Pagerank Search Tool

    Myspace Profile Pagerank Search Tool Edit: The password is for the zip file is wickedfire Type in a keyword, choose the minimum pagerank you would like to see, and hit run! You get fed a list of profiles, with the pagerank, friend id, in a nice html file, as well as on the screen. I'm not...
  4. F

    Using text messages to get ringtone conversions.

    Say I own a few text messaging sites running a script, that sends text messages to users. I could keep track of every number that is sent through the script, and then in a few days I could send some ringtone offer to the cellphone, and tell them to text some number for the best deals, or even...
  5. F

    Iframe the advertisers landing page?

    If I'm promoting an offer using Google Adwords, instead of using something like, could I use and iframe the advertisers landing page? How would this effect quality score? Thanks
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    Hydra Media rep?

    Anyone here a Hydra Media rep? :D
  7. F

    What's the point of scraping content and building for landing pages?

    (Noob SEO question) When you create a landing page for a product, what is the point of doing all the SEO methods that are often discussed in other threads (scraping content, building backlinks, etc?) Is this just to get ranked high for your keywords in the search engines, to get organic traffic...
  8. F

    Different landing pages for each keyword?

    When you guys are doing landing pages, do you straight from your landing page to the merchant payment page? To me, it seems redundant that you would write a landing page, and then link to the merchants landing page..or does it help sell the customer? A lot of merchant landing pages look like...
  9. F

    PR3 + PR2 proxy sites for sale with traffic

    I have not been actively advertising these proxies, and I am moving from my dedicated server to a shared host so I have to sell them. The proxies are running PHProxy 0.4. To prevent hotlinking, I added a custom hotlinking mod. I've blocked some sites from being accessed to prevent people from...
  10. F

    The Death of Clickbank?

    So I received a phone call from Clickbank this morning to confirm my information (registered with them yesterday). Then while browsing I found this site The Death of Clickbank. Any of you guys using clickbank? Do you recommend using them or going with another company?
  11. F

    AzoogleAds Contradiction Terms of Service?

    Hey, I'm looking at starting an incentivitized website with a certain twist. My concern is that AzoogleAds gives us incentivitized offers, but the below in the terms of service is really confusing me. Could someone please help me clear this up? Direct Link to Azoogle TOS I'm also looking for...
  12. F

    Hi, i'm new!

    I've been lurking on the forums all day, so I decided to join. You guys have a lot of good information in the forums. I usually don't post threads like this in forums that I join, but I figured I will be here and checking daily so I may as well introduce myself. I'm Bill, my website is...