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    Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass

    This makes me SO angry. If the KKK had been outside the polls with Billy clubs - they would have been put UNDER the jail. But Obama's BLACK Attorney General Eric Holder, has quietly decided NOT to prosecute these Black Panthers. HHmmmm? HOW did this country put these people in power? YouTube -...
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    Anyone have a CONTACT for Google?

    My son-in-law has a question for the folks at Google. He has checked the FAQs and searched the forums and can't find the info he needs. Anyone on here work for these people? Anyone know how to contact them to ask a question? Can't find an email address or phone number etc.....
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    Get Married & MAKE BABIES!

    I found this article & thought it was great at debunking the arguments of the "Tree Huggers" & "People Haters". Just wanted to share.:food-smiley-010: It's called: The Crusade Against Population The Crusade Against Population by George C. Leef
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    Federal Troops Sent To Alabama

    Who sent soldiers into an Alabama town last week? - On Deadline - I was watching Beck today and learned about this. Federal troops sent into a civilian situation - and NO BODY knows who sent the order for them to deploy. Beck said they contacted 1. the Governor's office - they have...
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    I'm Paranoid. How do I Disappear?

    Question: If I move will my IP address change? Is across town far enough? When the apple was set up, my daughter's name was put on it, so it clearly says it is her computer. Can that be changed? Do all of your computer's say your name on it? She is not so happy with some of the things I have...
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    Wet or Dry Ear Wax?

    I stumbled upon this article: Here's the deal... I am not Asian, but my ear wax is dry and my body odor is very low, so I must have that dry ear wax gene. Maybe I've got a Cherokee in the wood pile? That would account for my situation...
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    Canadian Guns

    I found this site: RKBA. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Canada. gun ban, gun control, handgun ban, C 68, gun registry, long gun registry, handgun registry, confiscation, gun rights, self defense, public safety, gun facts, gun myths and wondered how many of you Canadians own guns like us...
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    Hurricane Ike is screwing up Gas Prices!

    This morning gas was selling for $3.48 per gallon, but by lunch time ( when I got around to filling up) I had to pay $3.99 per gallon. Some of the gas stations had already run out of gas by then, so I felt lucky to have topped everything off - but it still makes me SO MAD! Plus, when I was at...
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    OK... I know I'm too old to read Manga, and in fact, I didn't even know what Manga was until I stumbled on this story last October doing a google search on Vampires. But I found the scans and read the 1st chapter and was hooked. It's a little bloody, a little violent,...yes but.... the storyline...
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    The FDA has frosted my balls yet again!

    Had to go to the ER a couple of nights ago, spent most of yesterday in doctors' offices, all from these horrible leg cramps! Electrolytes are fine, calcium and potassium levels fine, no deep vein blood clots - the doctors don't know what is causing them. Here's my beef: It used to be that all...