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  1. Marcela López

    SEO Strategies That Google Rewards

    To optimize a website, look at: 1. Meta tags and titles, headers; 2. Page headers and text, and to improve visibility, backlinks and social networks
  2. Marcela López

    How can i generate traffic to my niche website?

    To generate traffic, there are two types: organic traffic and paid traffic. Organic traffic comes from posts on social media and your website, considering SEO. Paid traffic includes Google Ads and Facebook Ads. You can join Facebook groups, forums, and post on blogs
  3. Marcela López

    How to Promote Branding in Easy way to Online?

    1. Clearly define your objectives 2. What does your business represent (mission statement)? 3. Identify your unique value proposition (discover what sets you apart from the competition) 4. Increase company presence (social media is the most popular way). If you have a website (include phone...
  4. Marcela López

    Does Google count website Speed as A Ranking Factor?

    Google provides recommendations for designing your website. One of them is to verify the speed by checking how the page loads on your mobile device. Test the loading speed and confirm if the page is mobile-friendly (you can validate this using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool)