Search results

  1. P

    pagerank question

    i have this domain which I haven't done anything with since i registered it, except forward it to some site (not mine). as far as i can remember the forward was done with php; i'm not too sure though. anyhow, to my surprise yesterday i found out the domain has a PR4! after looking at the links...
  2. P

    google universal search SUCKS

    PC World's Techlog Google Universal Search: Intriguing and Confusing what the fuck were they thinking? anyone else think this is a horrible idea? if i want videos/news i know where to go to find it. i don't need that shit shoved down my throat - it just makes it harder to wade through results...
  3. P

    instant messenger software

    what do you use for IM? was looking for some firefox extension but didn't really find anything worthy.
  4. P

    marketing metrics

    is it just me or is there a general confusion and chaos associated with the various metrics we use like EPC, eCPC, etc? i see different people/companies use different metrics for the same thing all the time. the best example i guess is the EPC/eCPC thing. afaik in CJ-land EPC means...
  5. P

    azoogle affiliate id for signup

    i'm about to sign up with azoogle, so if you want me to use your affiliate id let me know asap. skimmed through sigs but it's all copeac ;p