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  1. H

    I'm not sure I understand the definition of "niche research"

    I've done a ton of reading on WF about affiliate marketing and am making some campaigns that end up breaking even or better. However, one of the problems I'm still having is the concept of "niche research". From what I understand, it's basically finding out things like in ringtones "Alltell"...
  2. H

    Getting Vista Print Business Cards for (almost) Free

    I figured out this trick a while ago, and really didn't know where to put it so that the WF crowd could take advantage, so I figured here's as good a place as any, but feel free to move it. Vista Print offers those crappy free business cards and you only have to pay for shipping, but most of...
  3. H

    I just moved across the world (and by just I mean 3 weeks ago)

    While I was born and raised in Canada, my fiancee lives in Australia. When we got engaged we decided I would move over there until we (in his words) "became rich from your internet stuff". So on May 28th, I flew to Australia, with all of my worldly possessions in 2 suitcases. In another move...
  4. H

    Iframing Copeac offers

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to iframe some copeac offers, I have already confirmed with my AM that I can iframe them, but whenever I do the iframe just goes to the copeac homepage. Does anyone know what to do to get around this? Thanks.
  5. H

    Newbie Yahoo Answers Question

    Hey, Just wondering what format yahoo answers uses for links and stuff... do you have to just put the link there or is there a format like HTML where you can have your own unique text? Thanks.
  6. H

    What are the 1 pixel images on CJ links for?

    You know who CJ links all look like this: <a href="" target="_top">Text</a> <img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/> What is the 1x1 pixel image for? Is it ok to exlude it on pages, or is it...
  7. H

    Asking for a Review - Where Did I go Wrong?

    I've just finished my first campaign, and while I don't have a huge number of statistics, I do think I have enough to conclude that I probably screwed something up. If anybody could give me their advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. The campaign was the offer on CJ, which pays $7.50...
  8. H

    Stupid YSM - Review My Ads!

    I started an ad campaign almost 24 hours ago, and I still haven't got a single add approved by Yahoo. They're all sitting "pending". Does anyone know how long it generally takes them to approve the ads? I've always had it be almost instant.
  9. H

    Canadians (and other non-USers) - How Do You Test Offers?

    Being Canadian, I always get the "this offer is not available in your area". I assume the way to get around this is by using a proxy, but I can't find any that actually register my clicks. Does anybody have any suggestions?
  10. H

    When do you determine that a campaign is crap?

    I'm just wondering, numbers-wise, when you decide. I have one campaign which has a high CTR from my landing page to the actual offer (around 70%) but it hasn't converted into a single lead. It does require a credit card for the free trial, it's not in a niche like dating or ringtones or the...
  11. H

    My PHP redirects don't work: 404 Error

    I've done a number of google searches and still can't find the answer to this, so I'm hoping the WF community can help. Every time I try to do a PHP redirect, I get an error 404 when I go to the page. I tried restarting smartFTP to see if that was the problem, and I tried it on two different...
  12. H

    What does it mean if my CTR is low?

    Being a complete newbie at this game, I'm currently testing my first advertizing campaign, using Yahoo because I've heard from a number of sources it's a great place to start. I'm very pleased with it, the information contained is quite good. However, I've noticed that my CTR is very low. One...