Search results

  1. this_guy

    .com w/ privacy for 98 cents at Namecheap

    We just need to help them out by hitting 30,000 retweets. See below. Namecheap Deals • 30,000 Retweets of a message needed to unlock $0.98 per year coupon •
  2. this_guy

    what's that list web site?

    The one that's really simple with collapsible lists and bullet points. I signed up for it and forgot the name.
  3. this_guy

    My New Addiction

    I curse myself for finding this game: Spin The Black Circle - Weebl's Stuff
  4. this_guy

    This Made Me Sick

    Russ Belville: Columbia, Missouri, SWAT kills family dog over misdemeanor marijuana possession (with video) Being an owner of two dogs, I feel for the guy in the video.
  5. this_guy

    Are You An NFL Fan?

    Whether you are or not, you can help someone who is a huge NFL fan become the NFL Director of Fandemonium. She's a friend of mine who is a top 8 finalist that was near the top of the leaderboard, but recently has fallen a few spots. She needs some help to get to the top. Vote at NFL Department...
  6. this_guy

    The Lexus LFA.. OMG

    I'm pre-ordering one today. The first video below the fold gave me goose bumps and a stiffy. See here: Tokyo 2009: Lexus reveals $375,000 LFA supercar...finally [w/VIDEO] — Autoblog
  7. this_guy

    IAB to FTC: Dump the new blogger rules

    My hero...
  8. this_guy

    Any Charlotte NC peeps in the house?

    My fiance and I are seriously considering moving to North Carolina and most likely Charlotte. Where would you recommend a couple live in the city? We would definitely prefer something more central, especially in the beginning. How do you like the city?
  9. this_guy

    Are You A Swoopo Addict?

    It's my first time hearing about this and I think I'm addicted before even signing up. Swoopo: The crack cocaine of auction sites? - MSN Money Anybody care to share experiences?
  10. this_guy

    Swine Flu Quiz

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  11. this_guy


    Does anybody understand what in the hell is going on here?
  12. this_guy

    Mow That Lawn Girl

    I thought this was pretty funny. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  13. this_guy

    The Internet Should Never Have Been Invented Says Senator
  14. this_guy

    Top 10 Netbooks

    The Top 10 Netbooks - MSN Tech & Gadgets - Slide Shows - Products - 1 I'm thinking about picking up a net book. I'm pretty sure I've seen some of you rave about Asus models. Does anybody have any experience with Dell models?
  15. this_guy

    Richard Branson's The Man

  16. this_guy

    Getting past the admin password screen on a mac

    My buddy bought a Mac Powerbook from some tweaker on eGay. He also happen to forget to ask for the admin password. Now he can't get in touch with the seller. Does anybody have any ideas on getting past the admin password screen (without the password smartasses)?
  17. this_guy

    Just When I Was Starting To Enjoy Waterboarding..

    In Obama's first foreign relations stunt, he announced that we will no longer use waterboarding as an interrogation technique. Damn, it was working so well in extracting money keywords from super affiliates.
  18. this_guy

    Sellers Circle Phone Call

    Has anyone else received a call from some company called Sellers Circle re: some eBay course today?
  19. this_guy

    RevGate v2 Theme

    Much better theme. I think I'll actually keep this one.
  20. this_guy

    Free Domains?

    Does anyone know the story behind this tld? They are giving away free domain names. CO.CC - Free Domain name registration + Free DNS service.