Search results

  1. mediastar100

    Word ai

    Is there anyway to use word ai to pull content from a website spin and publish to wp? This would need to be on a scheduled basis.
  2. mediastar100

    Need a designer BADASS.

    Seems infect has gone missing and he was a true designer badass. If anyone is even close to his level hit me up on skype. mediastar100 If you are not a badass don't bother. Need a couple of pages done yesterday.
  3. mediastar100

    SMS Help

    I'm sure there is a way to do this. Here is the deal. Someone clicks a link on my mobile web page. The link is formatted as follows - sms:1234 This launches the text option on the handset with the number 1234 preloaded. My question is - how the hell can you pre populate the body of the...
  4. mediastar100

    WTB Youtube Services

    I need someone to upload a ton of videos, set up a new account and set up unique descriptions and other details. Hit me up with your cost per upload etc. thanks
  5. mediastar100

    Wanted: Long Term Writer

    I need someone to provide content for an ongoing project. I will provide a list of keywords that I want you to write around. You MUST have a solid knowledge of SEO and be comfortable with WP. You will be responsible for logging in and posting the articles on a daily basis. You should be able...
  6. mediastar100

    Groupon Clone

    Anyone got any recommendations? Tons of buggy looking WP themes out there, mainly from india by the looks of it.
  7. mediastar100

    UK Affs Running Rebills In The UK

    If you live in the UK and run UK traffic hit me up on PM or AIM for a discussion on the latest new advertising rules and regulations.
  8. mediastar100

    Need A WP Coder Now

    Hit me up on AIM. Need someone to work with me now on tweaking out an existing theme. I will talk you through what I want as you do it. Thanks
  9. mediastar100

    Easy Video Player

    despite the "guruish" stylings of this product I like the functionality of popping forms and buttons in the video at certain points. Anyone know of anything that does something similar without the "membership" requirements?
  10. mediastar100

    Need a designer for a Quick Job

    Need an existing site tweaked - should be a quick job for someone good. Hit me on AIM.
  11. mediastar100

    Solid UK Hosting Affiliate Programme

    We are selling hosting to local businesses and we want to sell them onto entry level shared hosting plans for the websites we make them. These sign ups will be coming from one ip as we take their order details so I'm concerned about IP flags etc. Anyone work with hosting programmes that offer...
  12. mediastar100

    Click To Call

    I've been searching around without much luck. Basically what I am after is something which a visitor can click on a web page which then pops a box where they enter their phone number and hit submit. Once they do this it calls them back with a number I have set up. I've seen a few options that...
  13. mediastar100

    Quality Designer Needed ASAP

    Need someone with experience in doing catalogue style sales pieces. I need this done yesterday so hit me up on AIM if - - you have a portfolio - you have mad skillz - you can do this starting right now. Thanks
  14. mediastar100

    WTB Video Testimonials

    Anyone know somewhere decent we can get some video testimonials done?
  15. mediastar100

    WTS $250 finders fee for Biz Op Lead Buyers

    I'm losing my mind trying to sell buyer leads for our UK targeted biz op. I've posted about this elsewhere and on the boards here but to recap on details - - 50 - 100 UK biz op buyer leads generated per day - Buyer leads data includes - name, email, phones - Previously sold to a call centre...
  16. mediastar100

    Help me sell my buyer leads

    I've been searching on this forever so I'm hoping someone can chip in here. We run a uk biz op style offer and collect buyer info for the purposes of after sales marketing. Phone numbers and other details are included. Is there a Market for these leads? Anyone got somewhere like leadpile for...
  17. mediastar100

    Neverblue Stats Anyone?

    Anyone else seeing their month to date stats reset to zero for this month and last month despite rev generated across both periods. Looks like a bug in the interface to me - there was maintainence going on earlier.
  18. mediastar100

    Adscend Media

    Looking at these guys for some gateway type stuff. Anyone work with them or have a contact AIM I can hit up? Cheers
  19. mediastar100

    Jobs Leads

    Not sure if there is a market for these but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. We have a ton of traffic that is paused at present which can deliver a ton of "job seeker" leads daily. The data includes - name, email, phones, address. These are NOT crappy CL leads, they are ppc, cpv and...
  20. mediastar100

    Compete Run

    Anyone able to do me a run on compete for one domain I want to analyze? Hit me up on AIM or PM here, happy to pay. Thanks