Search results

  1. BluuueJammm

    3D Printing

    I know I'm late to the party, but this is interesting shit, what are some of the forums / sites I should be looking at?
  2. BluuueJammm

    How to get a list of all pages in a site

    I'm trying to get a list of all the pages in a site, it has about 14,000. Do I need to write a scraper, or is there a tool I can use for this?
  3. BluuueJammm

    Data extraction from .dat file

    I've been asked to build an ecommerce site for someone with about quite a lot of items in it. They have supplied the data on a dvd that installs a program locally. When you go in to the back end of the program to try and grab the database there is just a load of (few hundred) .dat files. Anyone...
  4. BluuueJammm

    For our American friends

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  5. BluuueJammm

    Perfect game for the Gay Webmaster Forum

    Robot Unicorn Attack - A Free Online Flash Game From Adult Swim Surprisingly gay but addictive game in the style of CANABALT: Buy it with your moneys!!
  6. BluuueJammm

    We've all been there - viral marketing problems

    YouTube - Hitler Makes a YouTube Video Made me laugh.
  7. BluuueJammm

    Got an iPhone? Want to make some quick beer money?

    Ok, we have an iPhone app out that we are starting to promote for a client of ours. We are willing to buy reviews and ratings. It's going to be $10 payout, and the app costs $4, so $6 for a couple of minutes work. Also if there is much interest in this I'll be spreading them out, so I might ask...
  8. BluuueJammm

    Noob Javascript problem

    I'm not too familiar with javascript, could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeLink() { document.getElementById('lat').innerHTML="test"; } </script> </head> <body> <p> <input type="button" onclick="changeLink()"...
  9. BluuueJammm

    Linkbait from Hell

    Best I've seen in some time: T-Shirt Hell : Newsletter: February 16th 2009
  10. BluuueJammm

    Curl, fopen and saving images

    Ok, so I've been using curl, php for a couple of months now and am getting used to scraping stuff. Thing is, when I come to scrape images I grab them with curl, then open a file handle with fopen(), then write the file and close the handle. Is this the best way to be doing it? I guess it just...
  11. BluuueJammm

    I think you sick bunch might appreciate this!

    Be careful out there, it's a jungle:
  12. BluuueJammm

    Proxy Servers and registering multiple accounts

    So first off I just want to talk about Proxy Servers that let you brows anonymously. Although I've known about them for ages now, and used them myself a few times I have only just started to read up on them, about how they work and can be used. So as I understand it you conect to the proxy, the...
  13. BluuueJammm

    Real tits or porn tits?

    We all have to make that tricky decision at some point! Internet Porn & You // Current
  14. BluuueJammm

    Need help getting Tidy for php working

    Ok, so I'm a bit of a noob at php, but I'm wanting to make a scraper or 2, so after reading around for a while I got to this: Scraping Websites for Fun and Profit | post and decided to get this: Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers: Michael Schrenk: Books book. It's...
  15. BluuueJammm

    Julie Moult is an Idiot

    Just thought I would do my bit. Bloggerheads (UK) - Julie Moult is an idiot A funny read if you have 5 minutes to spare.
  16. BluuueJammm

    Google Insights

    A nice new tool from the big G Google Insights for Search
  17. BluuueJammm

    Site Review

    Ok, so I started learning php a month or so ago, and have built this site as my first project. Any comments would be welcome. Alternative Directory Bluuue
  18. BluuueJammm

    Can't access most of the net?

    Just on a bit of a weird one, I've tried to access about 30 websites in the last couple of minutes, Wickedfire and another forum are the only ones that didn't timeout. I'm in the UK with Orange, anyone else getting this? I had been hoping to find some mildly slutty blond to wank over before I...
  19. BluuueJammm

    YouTube goes interactive

    Not sure what the marketing opportunities for this might be in the future, but for now this is worth playing through: YouTube - Interactive shell game