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  1. T

    This post will pass unnoticed and not get a single reply.

    Just a wish here. I live in europe, its not a federation. I see translated international landingpages that says (translated back) "Hi, I am GIRLSNAME and I live in CITY, REGION", where city and region ofc is matching my IP adress. While it's totally natural in the states to say Christshrine...
  2. T

    What's required to build something like Facebook

    Hi, found this interesting link about facebook and how the fuck you scale a rich php app to surpass google in pageviwes. Not really usable to anyone here I guess but kind of an interesting read to me anyway since I wonder sometimes what voodoo is used for that kinda stuff. Just wanted to share...
  3. T

    Facebook. Old campaigns drop as new are added.

    Hey I'm not comming close to daily spend on any campaign and they are all targeting different demographics completly. Is what I am seeing (see attachment) just coincidense or is there some obvious factor I'm not aware of? like an account max or something? graphs are of clicks. anyone else...