Search results

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    Better for forum domains: KWforum or KWforums?

    I always assumed forums was better because thats what I thought everyone calls it but KW tool shows a lot of cases where xyz forum is higher searched. Also in terms of branding I kind of lean towards forums but there are things like WaFo out there which is singular. Thoughts?
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    B of A buys up 439 anti-BoA domains

    1) Buy anti-corporate domains 2) Profit? Weird story, full list of domains at Bank of America: 439 Fewer Ways to Hate the Bank - Deal Journal - WSJ
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    Quality, Unique Article Writing by a Lawyer

    In an ongoing effort to avoid the hell that is practicing law, I am whoring myself out to you guys! I do not mention my law degree to show off, but as proof that I have done my share of writing through 7 years of higher education. I am U.S. born and bred, so rest assured that these articles...
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    1st Time ASW - Palms or Rio?

    Can't make up my mind Got a decent deal at both, have to cancel one. It's basically the convenience of the Rio vs. more fun at Palms. Would I be losing out on opportunities to meet more people by not staying at the Rio? I'm just looking to get the most out of the whole weekend. Thanks for...
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    What Are The Cons (if any) to Conversion Tracking in the Ad Platform?

    I've been mainly using Bing and Yahoo but have only tracked conversions in Prosper. Every time I want to analyze data I have to open the yahoo interface and compare it to Prosper which is not only annoying, but hard to know if accurate because of Yahoo's weird match types. So I'm thinking...
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    $300 Youtube Vid = $30M Hollywood Deal in Less Than a Week.

    Pretty cool story and vid. That's some major viral juice. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
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    $1 .coms @ GoDaddy

    Code is BUYCOM99 Supposedly one per order but I'm sure that's negotiable :). Enjoy. GoDaddy
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    Yahoo Search Impressions Dead?

    Woke up to a big fat donut for search impressions. A couple of content, but something is definitely up. Got money in account and Quality index is same. Ad status normal. Anybody seeing this or know whats up? Edit: Adcenter Imps seem to be up a bit more than normal, could something be...
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    Problem: How to Tweak PPC Campaign of Low Traffic Longtails?

    So here's where I'm at: - Built out PPC campaigns with long tail KWs. - Got some results on campaign level, but most KWs have small number of clicks after months of running. - Even on my one campaign that does have some KWs with decent data, tiny differences in very similar KWs show a big...
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    Article: More Traffic Not So Valuable To Big Publishers?

    Why Murdoch Can Afford to Leave Google for Bing - Advertising Age - Digital Thought this was interesting. Lots of unused inventory out there and sounds like its only increasing. Also sounds like Murdoch could use a decent ad sales guy or 2.
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    Confused: Whats the Current Status of Direct Linking on Google??

    I know they had the big policy change with destination/display url matching and I figured that was the end of it. Since then I've definitely seen people doing it and I've heard people say it still flies. So, what is the final answer?? Looking to scale some stuff but don't want to get on G's...
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    Not Sure What Tool I'm Looking For

    I am looking to build KW lists, and want some automation. I need something that will combine 2 sets of variables in all the permutations. I.e. Buy XXX in [Location1, 2, 3, etc.], Purchase XXX in [Location 1,2,3] Find XXX in [Location 1,2,3] Is there anything free out there that does this...
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    Anyone Ever Promoted On MarketHealth? (Clicks Not Recorded)

    Found an offer I was looking for here, got a quick campaign up to test. A few clicks came in on T202 and Yahoo, but on the MarketHealth stats, they didn't show when I clicked my own ads to test it, they showed up, so the link code is right. One thing I did notice is the page loads...
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    FTC Cracking Down on Paid Posts

    Blogola: The FTC Takes On Paid Posts - BusinessWeek Not a bad read, also talks about how it won't do jack, and how G has more influence on this by doing things like downgrading paid posts in search results.
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    PPC Ads Keep Getting Declined...Using PHP Redirect

    I am trying to get my feet wet with PPC so I am redirecting straight to this freebie LP. Yahoo keeps declining my ads...have a feeling it is because of the redirect... the destination url I entered is my php redirect page, and the display is the same minus the .php extension. Any ideas on...
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    Rejected from EBay program WTF??

    I got a pretty brief email saying no to my application to be an ebay affiliate. No mention of reasons why or criteria...what gives? Anyone know whats up their asses?
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    iframing question

    I am trying to do a simple iframe for ppc purposes...if the page is just an iframe, will it drive my cpc way up?? Also, how would I know what the proper url is to get myself tracked and paid? on neverblue, there is paid search creatives for the offer...if I stuck that link in the iframe code...
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    Best Tools for Keeping Stats

    So I just finished creating a blog with a petition attached to it and I am about to start promoting for traffic. I'm gonna try to monetize with adsense and possibly AM offers later on. Before I promote though, I want to have a good way to track how many unique visitors I get and where they...
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    Why not your own AM offers instead of Adsense on your blog?

    So Ive been getting my feet wet in Wordpress and am ready to start driving traffic and monetizing. Judging from the boards, it seems that most people just put Adsense ads on their blogs to monetize from PPC. Why don't people just link their AM offers if its related to the site content? Is it...
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    Finding best offers to promote BEFORE building site/signing up w/ affiliate

    Hey WF, first post...I am trying to get the ball rolling and have looked into some of the affiliate sites, but in the application process they want to screen you for a site with traffic. My issue is I want to see some options/possible payouts and returns BEFORE i build my site, and to check if...