Search results

  1. W

    How to Manage Large Amounts of Redirects?

    We are distributing some print material to our customers and due to the layout we are forced to use short urls. We purchased a short url domain like for this purpose however the redirected links may change after time and we don't want the print material to be obsolete as soon as it's...
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    Looking for Senior Wordpress Developer

    Have an existing plugin that was developed and want to add a few additional features. Senior level developers only please as the plugin is complex.
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    Drink to Support Boston - Tasteless Email from Thrillist

    Scumbags from Thrillist sent out this email today to capitalize on the Boston bombing. I'm not sure if I hate Thrillist or the people that participate in this more. If you really wanted to help you would donate directly to reputable charities. Hope these fuckers rot in hell. See the email...
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    Adsense on New Authority Site

    Three sites that were previously ranking well were hit by Panda many months ago due to BMR and over optimization of anchor text. All of these sites have adsense on them. We are almost finished building out a large money site (400+ pages) and part of our monetization strategy will be adsense...
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    Site Search Script

    I've got a 45 page site that is static html and need a good site search script suggestion. I've seen a few scripts that search mysql databases but not static html files. I don't want anything Google related on my site so Google custom search is out of the question. Any suggestions?
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    Mr. Trolololo

    :crying: Eduard Khil was a beloved Soviet crooner who won sudden international stardom two years ago when a 1976 video of him singing "trololo" instead of the song's censored words became a global Internet hit. Khil, best known as Mr. Trololo, died Monday at age 77. Soviet crooner 'Mr...
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    Buying a Competitors Product Anonymously

    Looking to buy a competitors product anonymously however after buying a prepaid cc that doesn't require your ssn/address/first born I ran smack dab into recent US legislation that prevents prepaid cards being used internationally. Card is simply declined if they are an international merchant...
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    AdAngler Scam Network

    Has anyone used the adangler network and been able to reach them? They don't respond to emails, phone calls, or instant messages when requesting payment. Any activity on the web stopped at the end of the last month including their twitter and facebook. The following people represent Ad...
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    DirectCPV Click Fraud

    Just a heads up to other advertisers on DirectCPV. Their has been a major uptick in click fraud. Campaign click volume is up by a power of 10 with no ROI and of course all this new traffic shows blank referrer data. :thefinger:DirectCPV
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    Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license

    Looks like the cash strapped government is once again flexing their tax muscles and forcing this idiocy on America. A definite sign of the times and Philly in general. From the Philly fan forcing himself to hurl on someone to this I am sure glad I don't live there. It looks like cash hungry...
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    Desktop Recommendations for 3 Monitors

    Currently my old Dell has an agp slot that powers two monitors and and an addon pci video card for the the third. Occasionally it freezes and I believe it's the underpowered stock power supply. Would rather get a new machine since the power supply is proprietary. Looking to buy a new pc that...
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    Fast Food Tycoons Gettin Dirty

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
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    CD Fulfillment Companies

    We are testing out a cd version upsell of our digital products and need a decent place for a small quantity of cds including cd label, packaging, and delivery. Anyone have any good recommendations?
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    Virtual Office Services

    I work from home in California but recently reincorpoated in Nevada and I am now exploring virtual office services to maintain a level of privacy. I already have a registered agent service for the year but it looks like a virtual office will be required for established full email forwarding...
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    Enzyte on CNBC Tonight

    Tonight on CNBC's American Greed they are going to cover Enzyte and their continuity program.
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    Help the Hermit Find a New Home

    I have enough socked away enough in the bank to start exploring new areas to live and wanted to get some suggestions from everyone here. The last several years have been primarily devoted to affiliate marketing and of course I didn't see the warning signs and have turned into a full fledged...
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    Tracking202 Acquired by Bloosky

    We have some BIG news to announce today. As of a little over a week ago, Tracking202 has been acquired by Bloosky, another company within our space. We wanted to give you details about everything that has been going on that has lead up to this point as we've always been 100% transparent with our...
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    Selling Mattresses Online?

    So I have a buddy that is not very business savvy and unfortunately fell for a mattress wholesalers sales pitch. He now has thousands of dollars in inventory at his house that he is having trouble selling. He can't afford to open up a retail location and his first outing at the county swapmeet...
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    Google Product Ads Beta

    Not sure if this has been discussed before but we all knew this was coming. One more reason Google is clamping down on affiliates...err competitors. I found thumbnails of book covers in the sponsored search results for Barnes and Noble. Google Product Ads Beta We are pleased to...
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    LMS Lead Management Software

    Took a look at a few web based lead management systems today like leads360 but not too happy with the data residing on their servers and the fact that it's a monthly recurring model. Just looking for an off the shelf solution to handle lead capture, management, and distribution to our local...