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  1. Waterboi

    Volk Fail

    How? does he have that many readers? or that little bandwidth?
  2. Waterboi

    Someone Jacked me, Revenge YES/NO?

    So i got jacked, adcopy, landing page the usual, i complained and nobody did anything. I saw b4 on here that there is a service in India or somewhere to click other people's ad's should i do it? anyone know the name of the service? Obviously i'm pissed! WF i need your help :bowdown:
  3. Waterboi

    Traffic Dried Up WTF?

    Hey guys i can't figure this out, as of 2pm pst all of a sudden my traffic dried up, no alerts in Adwords, quality score is stil 7,8,9 all ad's are still approved and worse prosper is showing no new traffic either. Any ideas? Also none of my daily spending limits even close to being hit all...
  4. Waterboi

    Google Voicemail? Anyone Got one?

    Google Voicemail anyone have an account? if so wanna send me an illusive invite? Seems pretty badass, could be very useful! Thanks in advance :updown:
  5. Waterboi

    Top Ten Impressions

    Digg - The Top Ten Impersonations ever! Digg if you like please :bowdown:
  6. Waterboi

    Rick Doom, Most Kills Ever

    Ric Doom - CollegeHumor video For all you rick roll fags look what you have accomplished!
  7. Waterboi

    Stupid question about refer tags

    Hey guys just a stupid question here, but what is the easiest way to strip refer tags from adwords or YSM, i want to send the traffic to a site but i don't want to let them see where it is coming from. Cheers! :bigear:
  8. Waterboi

    Torrent's Galore, lets trade bitches!

    So i have a few invites to - Great music torrent site and i have a few for - educational torrents, great for nerds like me :bigear: So anyone have any great torrent sites they wanna trade? IE or anything else worth having? Thanks :rasta:
  9. Waterboi

    Going to Neverblue Ad's Office any Requests?

    Hey guys, i'm going to visit all the boys and girls at Neverblue ad's tomo anyone have any questions or requests? I will try my best to deliver on all requests! :rasta:
  10. Waterboi

    Noobie ass question

    Hey need some help, i have a landing page with a zip submit on it, now what i want to do is forward that information to the offer page without the user having to click and go there and fill that info out again, any easy way for me to do this? Like i said it's a newbie question so sorry for...
  11. Waterboi

    mmmmmm Yummy Waffles!

    What's up boys and girls (lemonAden) so i'm hungry for some good music, i have invites for some sites and was wondering if anyone had a WAFFLES.FM invite code!! P.M me if you do, -Cheers
  12. Waterboi

    Need PHPMyDirectory pls msg me

    Hey guys looked in all the usual places, can't find shit, i have phplinkdirectory and some other scripts if someone wants to message me it would be greatly apprecited!
  13. Waterboi

    Talk About Pussy Whiped

    I wondering if she makes him dance to get laid - Media
  14. Waterboi

    Bored? How bout build your own fleshlight

    How to build your own Fleshlight! - The Something Awful Forums Great Tutorial!
  15. Waterboi

    Anyone using Xinu

    Hey a site to check page rank, i'm using seo plugin for FF but this is interesting too. Either way check it out if u want Xinu - Check quickly your PageRank, backlinks and much more
  16. Waterboi

    100th Post bitches, plus its Friday = BOOOBIES!!!

    Well since joining i love this place and this is my way of giving back! You guys are great :bowdown: Now for some boobies!! Here's to 100 more!
  17. Waterboi

    Elbitz! Fawk i need a login

    So i'm trying to DL so shit, anyone feel like the giving mood? I'm looking for a Elbitz login/pass or if i could get my own even better! What do i have to offer? How bout BOOBIES!!
  18. Waterboi

    Leo Laporte interviews John Chow?

    This damn guy gets more press than anyone i've seen, now he's on TV wtf? anyways here's the link, it's an interesting video Digg - Leo Laporte Intveriews John Chow, WTF?
  19. Waterboi

    What's the best media player and why?

    Whats your favorite media player and why? Winamp? WMP? VLC? Itunes? There must be more, so why do you like it?
  20. Waterboi

    Sweet I just bought Compuglobalhypermeganet

    I decided after watching a episode of the simpsons that i needed to own some of that good stuff, so i tried to buy homer's internet baby but it was taken so i took yes i was stoned! :rasta: If you have no clue what i'm talking about...