Search results

  1. janwonders

    Can I Hide CMS type from Google?

    Does anyone know is there a way to fool Google into thinking you’re using a different CMS than Wordpress, without actually having to use a different CMS?
  2. janwonders

    Facebook iFrame cross-browser Cookies

    Hi, I've got an affiliate offer on a landing page and I've now put the URL from the landing page into an iFrame on a tab on my Facebook page. (I used to do this) It looks good and I can interact in the iframe exactly as I would on the landing page, but I...
  3. janwonders

    WTH - Blog Post Writer - Food, Home, Cooking Niche

    I require a blog writer who can write in a friendly, down-to-earth manner that will engage the reader. I would prefer topics related to cooking and the home. Perhaps taking inspiration from topics in the news and television - eg: Gwyneth Paltrow launches recipe book, The TV Series 'The Great...
  4. janwonders

    Quality Press Release Writing Service

    I would like to offer a service writing quality press releases. The primary aim of a press release has always been to attract print media interest but they can also be great for search engine optimisation purposes too. There are many press release distribution services out there nowadays and...
  5. janwonders

    Setting up a Windows VPS for Running Applications

    Hi guys, I'm looking for some technical assistance from you server whizzkids. I got a warning from my ISP that I'd been using too much bandwidth. I've been running DFBLogin, Scrapebox, Megapinger, Proxyfinder and Market Samurai. I've now got setup with a Windows 2008 VPS with VPSLand...
  6. janwonders

    Content Writer $6 per 400 words

    Hi, I'm available for content writing again. See previous thread: Yet Another content writing service. I'm now charging $6 per 400 word unique article, payment via Paypal I'm from the UK and available through Skype or Aim. Please PM me your requirements. Just realised I probably...
  7. janwonders

    Yet another Content Writing Service...

    Hi, I'm offering a content writing service. $5 per 400 word unique article $3 per 400 word rewritten article I'll offer five individuals a review copy to get started. You must have over 300 posts on WF and be a helpful kind of person. PM me for your review I'm from the UK and available...
  8. janwonders

    Inserting Datafeeds into Wordpress

    I've downloaded a csv datafeed from Affiliate Window but I'm not sure how to incorporate it into my wordpress site. Is there a plugin or widget for this purpose or is it more complicated than that? Thanks for your help
  9. janwonders

    Automating Custom Field

    Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to automate a 'custom field' to add to every post. I'm using the Revolution Pro Business theme which has a built in custom field 'homepage' - which I link to an image on my server, then each new post I assign it to shows a thumbnail on the homepage. The...
  10. janwonders

    Different class-C IPs

    Hoping someone can explain this to me. I've been reading some stuff about Automated Blogs and the general advice is to try to install blogs on different class-C IPs. I have shared hosting on the baby plan with Hostgator and then VPS hosting with Wired Tree which gives me three IPs but they...
  11. janwonders

    SMS Automation?

    I send the same text messages on a daily basis (contest entries) and I wondered if there is software available or an easy way of programming my phone to automate these messages? Any suggestions appreciated.
  12. janwonders

    Transfer sites between hosts

    I have hosting with Hostgator, WiredTree, Virpus and 1&1 - I have still got so much to learn and am really not making good use of these host packages. The one I like least is 1&1 because it costs the most and offers very little, but the problem is I have been with it the longest and have my most...
  13. janwonders

    disappearing PMs

    Twice now I have had PMs disappear from my inbox and all traces of the username disappear from WickedFire, why does this happen? I didn't think you could delete your account. Do the mods do it for you? or does it mean that person was probably a spammer? Janwonders
  14. janwonders

    Help finding rapidshare files please

    Hi, I've just signed up for a Rapidshare account and I am looking for a bot that will automatically add friends to my fake facebook account, something like: Facebook Friend Bot or RudeAdder Or if you can suggest anything better or explain how others do it, that would be great. Is there...
  15. janwonders

    Wordpress Questions

    Hi, I've posted these questions on a wordpress thread but it was old so they didn't get answered. I hope it's ok to post them again here. If not, then please point me in the right direction of where I should be asking wordpress questions. I've tried asking on the wordpress forums but with no...