Search results

  1. SeoReborn

    Eat Poop Get Thin

    Clinical trial is underway to test whether eating poop will make you thin: Freeze-dried poop pills being tested for obesity treatment | Ars Technica Wanna participate? Apply here: If it does show a significant result, and if you were...
  2. SeoReborn

    Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

    Not finished watching this but Ivor provides good summary of studies that demonstrates the benefits of Vitamin D (just like his cholesterol video) There are alot of epidemiology discussed here and some randomised placebo/treatment studies.
  3. SeoReborn

    Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

    She provides a good condensed summary in 18 mins:
  4. SeoReborn

    Use it for traffic leak bros. Use it for email signups or sending them direct to moneysite/aff links. Heres a link to the free PRO account (normally $29 per month)
  5. SeoReborn

    Leading Children To The Lord, The Righteous Path

    Here is how modern day children can be convinced to lead a righteous life with the Lord
  6. SeoReborn

    NJACT: Not Just Another Cancer Thread

    This past year my dad had been coughing on and off. When he went for lung x ray, it revealed some shadows for which could be tumors. Thereafter, he had CT scan, more x rays, and lung fluid examination. Last week, on Wednesday 1st October, it was confirmed he has non-small cell stage 3 lung...
  7. SeoReborn

    Standing Up Maybe Best Anti-Aging Technique

    How standing might be the best anti-ageing technique - Telegraph Here's the study: Stand up for health Who here works standing up? I can imagine being knackered standing up for hours and how it would probably slow down my efficiency.
  8. SeoReborn

    The Cholesterol Conundrum

    Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA and the World. The lipid hypothesis is flawed, and if you want to find out how to possibly reduce your or your loved ones risk of stroke/heart disease, it would be worthwhile to watch this video: The Cholesterol Conundrum - and Root Cause...
  9. SeoReborn

    Thought I'll share...

    Got an email from Appsumo, Inspectlet is giving away free lifetime accounts of 500 sessions per month: Normally its 100 sessions per month for free version and 1k sessions for pro version(costs $228 per year). Each accounts allows you to track usage on one...
  10. SeoReborn

    Real Life British Walter White Breaking Bad

    'Real-life Walter White': Ryszard Jakubczyk (right) has been jailed after plotting a Breaking Bad-style operation to produce £4million of amphetamine every two days. Left, Walter White (Bryan Cranston) in the U.S. TV show. Discovered: The 61-year-old, dubbed 'the Professor', planned to...
  11. SeoReborn

    Free SEO Training

    Tomorrow (Wednesday 19th) Distilled is holding an open day: DistilledU | Online SEO training Enjoy bros :xmas-smiley-030:
  12. SeoReborn

    I Have Lattice Degeneration

    I just got out of an eye examination with the optometrist. She found that I have lattice in both my eyes. Thinning on my right eye and a hole in me left. I found out that it could lead to retina detachment, causing a partial or complete loss of eyesight. FUCK. Shes going to refer me to...
  13. SeoReborn

    Father Victim of Sandy Hook - Actor?

    Watch the following video: Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube Does Robbie Parker seem fake? Why on earth would a father smile like that on the day after his daughter been shot to death, right before an interview and completely change to another emotional extreme in a sudden?
  14. SeoReborn

    Don't Talk To Police

    Dont Talk to Police - YouTube
  15. SeoReborn

    Possible Olympics False Flag

    Its at around 4.00 in: Creepy document of Rockefeller Foundation foretelling bomb attack at London Olympics? - YouTube Here's the doc: I checked and it's there on page 34:
  16. SeoReborn

    Rand Paul Backs Romney

    Shocking » Ron Paul, Don’t Destroy Yourself Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
  17. SeoReborn

    So Google Top 10 Contributor For Ron Paul

    Then what the fuck is this I clicked on news on google with no search parameters, and the republican candidates are top in the news. Look at the related, theres Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Where the hell is Ron Paul?
  18. SeoReborn

    TV Propaganda Exposed - Very Insightful - Worth Watching

    Most of us know that there is alot of propaganda on TV, but this video delves into it in detail and exposes the 'actors' in the media: The Truth EXPOSED pt1 - YouTube I have not finished watching all the parts but so far its really good.
  19. SeoReborn

    Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution

    Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution - YouTube
  20. SeoReborn

    US Court Claims Iranian 911 Link

    Very timely judgement: US court claims Iranian 9/11 link - YouTube