Search results

  1. cheapestman

    Finding a Good Domain

    I'm starting a sports card collecting site. Got a good web structure started, what I'm missing is a good domain. So far I've used the (deleted domains) and also randomly typed in domains to see if they were available. Any other ideas where I should turn to find a good .COM domain...
  2. cheapestman

    My 1st Campaign - Summary

    So, without further a do I've begun my own journey in this industry. Here's what I've done. 1 - Found a niche I used several tools for this - the keyword research at SEOBook, Google Adwords search tool, and some basic digging on the WWW2 - Registered two domains one domain name will be used as...
  3. cheapestman

    Why are Ringtone ads so hard?

    I am a pretty consistent lurker on these forums and have learned A LOT from you guys. Thanks. One common theme I see quite a bit is 'NOOBS stay away from ringtone ads'. My question is 'why?' - is it too saturated a market? - too hard to get people to submit? - something to do with having so...
  4. cheapestman

    Keywords vs Easy to Remember Domain Name

    I think I may have found a solid niche to advertise in. I have a dilemma. Using Wordtracker I typed in the niche and the most popular searched keyword at top is available as a domain (.com). There is also a most commonly used term available as a domain (.com). So, the question is do I buy both...