Search results

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    WTB Clean Professional Templates

    I need two things: A clean, professional-looking company logo made A clean, professional-looking company template for the site Post/PM some prior work with your price for the logo+template along with turnaround time please. Thanks
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    Domain Registratars Question

    Where can I register a domain that won't threaten to drop my registration service when a couple people complain that I'm spamming with that domain? (godaddy/domainsbyproxy are doing this) Just wondered what others may not be so anal retentive regarding guerrilla marketing methods.
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    Nub Question On Redirecting

    Hey I was wondering the simple way to make a site redirect to another site if it isn't being viewed through the first site. Example: SiteA redirects to SiteB. If SiteB isn't being viewed through the 301 redirect from SiteA, it will redirect to SiteA's domain. Thanks
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    The PPC Idea

    So what I'm getting is that you find an offer to promote affiliate-wise from any particular niche whatsoever, setup a landing page for that offer, and find a bunch of long-tail keywords to promote the page through PPC with. Then, for example if the offer converts 1:300 clicks and pays you $20...
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    Looking for a mentor..

    Hello! I get the general jist of various ways to do affiliate marketing but nonetheless, I would really like someone experienced to be able to mentor me through just one or two processes for each method for affiliate marketing they use. I'm fully willing to sign-up under your affiliate links so...
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    Gimme The Lingo

    Ok so I'm a super-nub and I've been reading through posts on here in the newbie forum. I've ran across some 'lingo' terms I don't really understand fully. I was wondering if there is a thread some1 can point me to or list popular affiliate lingo for me? What is zip submit? What is autoblogging...