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  1. kofiannan

    Networks that are pissing me off today

    Affiliatefuture : Finally got fucked off with their shitty tracking. And OOOHHHH isn't is funny how the high converting shit suddenly drops dead after the first payout? Fuckers. Unsubscribed from all their merchants today and it felt GOOD. Rocketprofit: Fast response my arse. Tradedoubler...
  2. kofiannan

    Some slightly interesting info for uk AMers.

    Last night's beer festival; picking up bf at the end. Spoke to bf's friend's boss briefly. Found out this morning that he wasn't lying and actually IS a genuine, self made multimillionaire. Feel REALLY stupid for not listening to him properly but what I gleaned was: a) He's got the cash ready...
  3. kofiannan

    Hooters, Raisins, and now Dongers

    It's only a matter of time <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  4. kofiannan

    Ultrasophisticated, smart British comedy

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  5. kofiannan

    I grossed myself out researching a niche

    I thought I had a pretty strong stomach and was able to deal with most kinds of bodily yuckiness (anyone who's ever housetrained a pet will know you can't afford to be squeamish) but I just couldn't go through with this niche because it just makes me heave. I noticed ear wax removal was coming...
  6. kofiannan

    Anybody see Watchdog tonight? (uk)

    They did the stupidest story ever on websites that rip you off. First they set up this site for the handsome sum of £60, then they ran a few google adwords. Thing is, when people placed orders they would then ring them back and go "Ha-haaa! It's a fake!" so they...
  7. kofiannan

    Webmerge-type alternative

    If you want to generate a few hundred pages quickly from a database, and you're too cheap/broke to buy webmerge then you can use the advanced tools in the free version of netobjects fusion to do this. Not going to go into detail as, frankly, if you can't manage to use fusion then you need to go...
  8. kofiannan

    If you need free but crappy content...

    I don't do this anymore so I'll post it here for someone else to try. If you log into somewhere like and post a buying lead you'll get absolutely fuckloads of emails with information on what you're after. e.g. I used to have a crappy blog on socks, and just kept posting leads asking...
  9. kofiannan

    Emo washing powder

    <OBJECT height=355 width=425> &nbsp <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></OBJECT> Not sure what's funnier, the clip or the comments from the MCR fans.
  10. kofiannan

    rss headache

    Hi, thanks for all the fantastic info that I've read so far. I'm getting stuck on rss now, in particular producing feeds. I am working on 2 new websites built up around my fav affiliate datafeed, in total around 10000 pages (one for each product, unique content on each, all indexed by at least...