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    Individual to LLC

    I am planning to run all my online ventures through a LLC instead of as an individual. Should I create all new accounts with each affiliate program for the LLC or just change account info in my current affiliate account? Might sound like a stupid question and it probably is, but when in doubt...
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    Content Sites Vs. Landing Pages

    How many people are moving towards content sites with attached LP's, instead of just the usual standalone LP.
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    Quick Amex Question!

    Amex says on their site that your business has to be running for over a year before you can get an amex card. Anyone have any luck getting a business card straight away? P.S. I am in UK.
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    Quick Incorporation Question!

    I am incorporating this week. I am non US.. I am incorporating in UK. What should I use for 'proposed business activities'? My thought would be: Online marketing etc Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
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    F***ing Pissed

    It’s around 3:30 am (GTM Time Zone) and I am still f***ing awake as usual. I have about 15 sites in the celebrity/entertainment market, traffic ranges from 10-400 uniques a day per site. I have been running them for about 1 ½ years since I started marketing online. Didn’t have a damn clue about...
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    Should I waste my time? Celeb/Entertainment Market.

    I have a whole heap of sites in the Celeb/Entertainment Market. I have them monetized with only google adsense because I am lazy and they aren't my main revenue generator. In fact they make crap money. I have been thinking about using pubmatic to manage the adverts on them, should I waste my...