Search results

  1. Napolean

    Solar roadways

    Solar FREAKIN' Roadways! - YouTube This looks neat.
  2. Napolean

    Tools For Treason

    Tools For Treason | TechCrunch The future belongs to the hacker.
  3. Napolean

    Message to the Voting Cattle

    Message to the Voting Cattle - Larken Rose - YouTube
  4. Napolean

    May see northern lights tonight Upstate New York

    It's an overcast right now, but should be clearing up by 9-10pm. There was a solar storm and a lot of forecasts are saying that the aurora will be visible as far south as new york. Going to be awesome if it happens. It's one of those things on my conditional life goals. (#4. See northern...
  5. Napolean

    Ron Paul on Morten Downey Show in 1988

    It's no wonder how Ron Paul makes it look easy to keep his calm composure in these debates and smear questions from journalists.. everything we've seen today is so tame compared to 1988. Ron Paul on Morton Downey Show in 1988 (Part 1) - YouTube Ron Paul on Morton Downey Show in 1988 (Part 2) -...
  6. Napolean

    Found some info on one of Ron Pauls racist allegations

    I don't think this has made as many rounds as it needed to, but it's a little extra information for whenever you're debating someone who wants more proof that Ron Paul isn't a racist, and shrugs off the youtubes of his minority supporters as "propaganda". The newsletters are one thing, and...
  7. Napolean

    Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State

    Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube Saw this video posted somewhere today and got a kick out of it, not sure if it's been posted here. Couldn't find it in any searches. Worth a second view anyways.
  8. Napolean

    I'm worth my weight in gold, apparently.

    The Rise of Developeronomics - Forbes And I cite this evidence found on the internet as proof. :)
  9. Napolean

    Article on natural treatment for ADHD

    My Wife emailed me these links this morning, very interesting read: ADD & ADHD Natural Control of ADD & ADHD and - The Benefits Of Glutamine! They talk about how ADD/ADHD is a symptom of amino acid and mineral deficiencies. Very interesting stuff.
  10. Napolean

    Question about supporting Israel

    Why is it when anyone says that the U.S should stay out of Israel's business, they are immediately called an anti-semite or against Israel. Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If I'm not mistaken, Israel didn't have any support during this ordeal, but it was up against the concerted...
  11. Napolean

    Looking for a designer

    Looking for a designer to do some blog headers. Photoshop ninja's preferred. :) If you can do custom drawing (characters, faces, etc), that would be a huge plus. You can PM me or contact me on skype: napoleande
  12. Napolean

    Attacks on Ron Paul

    Looks like the GOP is finished laughing at Ron Paul and bringing out the character assassination tactics. The American Spectator : Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign Haven't read through all the pages yet, heard about this article on the radio last night and heard the guy who...
  13. Napolean

    Was going to do a trading blog, making money online blog or something similar, but never had the time. Would be nice to get more than the registration fee out of it. :)
  14. Napolean

    What would you do without electricity for a year?

    Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Solar Superstorm - NASA Science If a solar storm like this happened again, its a possibility that it would wipe out the power grid for a few months and up to a year. These happen in cycles, but that kind of solar storm probably isn't that...