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    Affiliate Networks Belly Down

    Lets make a list of the Affiliate Networks that went sour/belly up in the last year... I'll start with the first ones: 1-Copeac 2-RocketProfit 3-Azoogle/Epic (Not confirmed yet, but cashflow problems are bad)
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    Hey Guys..... been a publisher at MarketLeverage for about 3 years and never had a single issue with them, they always pay on time and my AM is great. But I noticed a lack of new offers and their offer inventory is low at this time. Also I don't hear anything on the forums about them, no...
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    Stay away from

    They dont pay. The still owe me money after 5 years from when they use to be an ad network. now they are a affiliate network so beware with this guys they are scumbags.
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    Whats with Wickedfire Forums??

    A few months ago I started noticing a decrease on the number of posts and quality info on wickedfire. It seems to me like the forum is drying up?? So where is everybody hanging out lately? What forums do you guys visit frequently?
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    We should make this a sticky.

    As the title says. Lets make a sticky of networks that are know by not paying their affiliates lately. I'll start. 1-Copeac
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    What the hell is going on?

    epic/azoogle, copeac, profitkingsmedia and several other networks are going under? clickbooth not paying affiliates? what the hell is going on??? I know I know profitkingsmedia brokers most of his offers from other networks... but if the big networks are going under what can you expect from...
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    Whos going? F1 Baby!!

    next year in Austin, TX. Formula 1 is back to the US! Whos going? I know I will! Enjoy Formula 1 comes to America! - Red Bull Racing takes first lap in Texas - YouTube
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    what happened to him? his blog is no longer updated........ his no longer posting on the forum..... he used to be pretty active on member of the forum a while ago. I also noticed that a lot of old members from this forum are gone??? where are they "hanging out" this days? pure...
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    Any networks have ?

    title says it all. if you own or work on a network and have this offer. please PM. Thank You
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    Any network running this offer (findmelove.com0?? Interested in running this offer. Tried offervault and affbuzz but cant find anything.
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    How to make one of these???????

    Hello WF !! I recently lost my webdesigner. So I need a little bit of help. I can do some design so I will be ok for now. Quick question, using the following URL as an example, how can I create the "pop up window" that appears on the page? I've seen this window on a lot of dating landing pages...
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    How you make one of these???

    Hello WF !! I recently lost my webdesigner. So I need a little bit of help. I can do some design so I will be ok for now. Quick question, using the following URL as an example, how can I create the "pop up window" that appears on the page? I've seen this window on a lot of dating landing pages...
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    What to do?

    Hey Guys, So I never pay attention when people steal part of my landers or some of my graphics. I know is part of the business..... But today I caught a m***er fuc*er who stole every single image, animation, script, string of code, animations. Basically he stole 100% my lander. He didnt even...
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    Affiliate Marketing Forums

    Other than the #1 forum, WickedFire. What other Affiliate Marketing forums do you participate in or read??
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    Help With This PLEASE

    Hey Guys, quick question here. I'm running the script below but Im facing a problem. This is the scripts that when users want to leave your page they get bombed with a little window saying "Are You sure you want to leave this site? Click Cancel to Stay or Continue to Leave" The script is...
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    What side?

    When a visitor/users first looks at the screen/website, what side of the screen they see first? I know that in magazines people tend to see the right side first.... but I have no idea on websites... Thank you guys in advance!
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    How to find the top websites (city)?

    Hey Guys and Gals! Just wondering if anyone knows if there is any way to find the most visited websites by region/city? Lets say I want to find out what websites are the most popular/visted in Dallas, TX? Is that possible??? Thank you in advance!
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    WTF DirectCPV bid prices...

    So its been a while since I logged on to my directcpv account and I have to say Im surprised with the bid prices. I was checking out some targets and the bid prices are stupidly high... some exmples: $6.00 - Facebook $0.65 - Walmart $0.66 - Target $0.95 - eBay Am I missing something or what...
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    My Azoogle Manager...

    Out of the blue my manager at Azoogle is not working there anymore.... I talked to him this morning about running some offers and a few hours later I was contacted by another manager at Azoogle saying "Hi, "Aff Managers Name" is not working here anymore, would you like to work with me"...
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    The iAd's - Amazing

    Just got an email from a friend and I'm pretty blwon away from what I saw. It looks like the future (hopefully a self serve platform) for mobile advertising is coming. And thank Go-d is not google who is working on this. Apple is working on a new project called "iAd". See the youtube video and...