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    What Is Voice Commerce and How Can You Enable It for Your Online Store?

    Brick-and-mortar stores face stiff competition from online commerce as customers flock to the web to purchase everything, from clothes to groceries. Services like same-day delivery are making the shift to e-commerce a no brainer for the masses. However, advancements in voice recognition...
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    Tips on how best automate your IDE workspace

    When it comes to developing robust software, your workspace setup can determine your overall productivity. A well-structured workspace with good processes can help you remain in your flow state longer, keep you emersed and help you stay focused on your tasks. Here are a few things you can do to...
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    There's a lot of chatter and a lot of content about GDPR. But, this one is specifically for content websites, which makes it a worthwhile read: GDPR playbook for digital publishers
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    How to Predict Advertising Trends Using Predictive Analytics

    There are many predictive analytics models and actually they're used to power most of the software that advertisers and publishers use to make their ad spend or monetization more effective. If you want to make your ad spend more efficient or improve your moentization then you can create your...
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    What The Houses of GoT Can Teach You About Content Monetization

    Overdosed on GoT. Wrote a post titled "What The Houses of GoT Can Teach You About Content Monetization". Read at your own peril!
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    How to Run an Ad Unit Exhaustion Analysis Using AdNgin

    Even the best banner ads become less effective the more you see them. An ad that’s fresh and noticeable one day will gradually blend into the background the more often you see it, leading to a phenomenon advertisers refer to as banner blindness, ad exhaustion or ad fatigue. Here's how...
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    Content Niches and Keywords to Avoid for Higher CPCs

    You created some truly epic content and drove truck loads of quality traffic to your website. It makes sense to want to make the most money from every click, and avoid low-priced ads. So don’t say we never did anything for you. Here’s a complete guide to cutting out those low-cpc ads from your...
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    What is the Google Sandbox Effect - is it Destroying Your SEO?

    The Google Sandbox. Well, it isn’t the place where kids have fun and neighborhood kittens do their “gardening”. It’s actually an important phenomenon to help in understanding your SEO (or Search Engine Optimization).
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    Monetizing Right with Native Ads

    Native advertising promised to be the savior of online and mobile content monetization, and the natural evolution of digital advertising. But only if you did it right. So is it worth the risk for YOU? Only if you know what you’re doing. And we’re here to help you along..
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    Optimizing User Experience for Google AdSense Publishers

    User experience and AdSense earnings are closely connected. This eBook covers basic and advanced knowledge necessary to optimize your website’s user experience and earn more from AdSense. Get it here --- >>
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    The Ultimate Guide: How Publishers Can Join the Apple News App

    Apple has recently announced that its news-stand app, Apple News, will be open to all publishers. What does this mean for the display ad market, and how does this affect you? We checked and came back with (almost) all the answers.
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    The Complete Ad Operations ToolKit – 26+ Tools

    Ad Operations is the dark horse of advertising technology. Various AdOps roles might not seem all that glamorous until you realize what they do. Check out this massive AdOps took box - :frenchman:
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    The Top 15 Website Optimization Blogs

    This is our list -->> Are we missing any awesome UX blogs? SEO? Please help us grow the list
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    The Complete Guide on How to Setup Your Website for Direct Advertisers

    There’s definitely a powerful allure to building up traffic to your website and having an ad network do all the work for you. But it goes beyond allure. There can be some significant advantages to selling your ad inventory directly to advertisers. Why would you want to start thinking about...
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    The 10 Step Winning Content Strategy for Real Ad Revenue

    Let’s start with the bad news. There are no free meals on the internet, and most “get rich fast” schemes are scams. You can’t just buy a domain, install a CMS, steal create some awesome content, and then sit back and watch the money roll in as you pick up a cigar-smoking habit and book your...
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    How We Onboarded 490 Websites in 5 Months

    Yes, 490 onboarded in 5 months. If you build a product or service that has real value, you’re just getting started. Up until people discover, understand, and believe in what you have to offer, you alone are the user. Just as you are most certainly thinking right now: that isn’t too good for...
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    15 Keyword Research Tools That Will Optimize Your AdSense CPCs

    How can you get higher CPCs for your AdSense clicks? By driving traffic to content based on keyword that advertisers have placed in high demand. But where and how do you find these high demand keywords? We’ve collected a list of keyword tools you can use for AdSense optimization. And a proven...
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    Too Small for Most SSPs? Top 5 Supply Side Platforms to Try

    Economics 101: If you’re a publisher, you’re the supplier. Your ad inventory is what you’re supplying. That inventory supply includes all the ad placements you run, and every visitor impression you deliver to them. If you’re already up to speed on the intricacies of SSPs, please scroll down to...
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    AdX vs AdSense – Which Will Make You More Money

    Google AdSense is a plug-and-play solution for publishers to quickly make money off of web and mobile assets. It’s also a great way to monetize a niche blog, for example. But as your traffic quality and reputation improve, you may be invited to join the big boys club – Google DoubleClick Ad...
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    9 Ways to Attract Travel Advertisers using Google Adsense

    Traveling is awesome. But so is vegging out on the couch. So how bout just writing about travel?! That should provide a pretty good balance and also a great way to make money for that trip you're planning to take next year...probably. :1bluewinky: Enjoy the full post