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    Amit Mehta Nailed By FTC

    Read Here
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    Phony Web Traffic Tricks Digital Ads

    Interesting article on WSJ today. I know of several sites that are doing this but none of them have been mentioned in the article. linky
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    CDN recommendation for PC application

    Hello, I need to distribute a PC application (exe file) and looking for a CDN. I need to be able to log number of downloads, client IP address and client browser referrer at minimum. Any recommendations? Thanks
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    XML Coupon Feed?

    I was wondering who are the players in providing consolidated coupon feeds from various networks (as well as scraped content). I am currently looking at For Me to Coupon Coupilia Are there any other players? Thanks.
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    About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising ---Free on Kindle

    As the title says, the digital version of the book is free right now. Grab it before it disappears. Haven't read it but reviews are good and synopsis looks good too...
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    Are you buying inventory through Appnexus?

    If yes, how did you get in? I applied and followed up with a phone call to one of the sales guy. He told me that their RTB platform is mostly for advertising networks and not for individual buyers.
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    Who has a Crush offer for US traffic?

    If it is brokered through Mundo Media, don't bother. I am looking for some other alternatives. Thanks.
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    Osama Corpse Image

    US networks are not showing it yet. But it is being shown on Asian News Channels
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    Free Compete Referral Analytics

    Hey, My compete membership is expiring today and I don't plan to renew it. If you need referral analytics for free, PM me the domain names. I have about 150 reports left so don't send me long list. I will not do more than 5 per member. Also send me your email so that I can send the reports to you.
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    Banner Hijacking

    There are toolbars out there which upon installation will replace all the standard sized banners on pretty much any website with their own ads. To me it sounds like a boat load of legal problems down the road unless I am missing something. What do you guys think?
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    Prosper202 on nginx webserver, anyone? Need Help

    I just finished installing nginx+php-fpm on one of my dedicated servers. It can run all my php scripts fine. However, I can't get prosper202 to run on this system. I have following problem: If I don't create 202-config.php manually, I get served with a blank page. If I create 202-config.php...
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    I want an audio message on my site

    Can anyone recommend a service that provides customized audio messages (professional quality). I would like to have a 15 second audio message on my site. Many thanks.
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    Dazzle White WTF?

    Dazzle White changed their LP. The link first takes you to a phony page which says something to the effect of "You are about to enter DazzleWhite. Due to high demand it may take a moment to load the page. blah blah blah....". It stays on this page for almost like 10-15 seconds (What the fuck?)...
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    What to do with smartphone traffic?

    In the last month, I must have received over 1000 clicks from mobile phones and not a single freaking conversion on the rebill offers! Unfortunately, I cannot stop this traffic at the source. Based on the user-agent, I am thinking of redirecting this traffic directly to an offer bypassing the...
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    Yahoo Phantom Clicks - How to Get Refund?

    My last month's (June) Yahoo stats look like this Total Clicks Reported by Yahoo = 51,201 Unique Clicks (aka Real Clicks) reported by Prosper202 = 42,025 Invalid Clicks according to my calculation = 9,176 Invalid Clicks Reported by Yahoo (Traffic Quality Report) = 5,279 I am not sure what...
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    Is there a site exclusion tool on Yahoo Content?

    I just went through all the options on my Yahoo account and I failed to see a site exclusion option for content advertising. There is not even a placement report available as far as I can tell. Do you just rely on the keywords to control the placement?
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    VPS with Multiple C-class IP?

    Looking for a provider that offers VPS hosting with at least 5 c-class IP support? Managed or Unmanaged Any recommendations?
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    +rep to Azoogle

    With several negative reviews floating around for so many networks, I thought I would share my recent positive experience with Azoogle. I have been with them since 3 months and currently doing 5 figure volume (per month) with them. So I am not a big player by any means but I did receive...
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    Looking for Offshore VPS Provider

    Can someone recommend a reliable offshore VPS provider that accepts payment from services like moneybookers or e-gold etc. Here are some Indian boobies:
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    What do you do when the merchant asks for a Secured Tracking Pixel?

    I am running a couple of offers where the merchant wants a secured (SSL) pixel for conversion tracking. I am using prosper202. I found a guide by MasterlessSamurai on how to configure prosper202 with SSL support. After reading the article and the comments it seems like the whole process is not...